
Who plays Sabrina in the Sisters Grimm movie?

by Guest550  |  earlier

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  1. Auditions haven't happened yet. I want to be Daphene SOOOOOOOOO BAD! I may be working with one of some day! My chances are a little better than yours! With everyone wanting to be Sabrina and all! lol! Good luck with your audition! 

  2. I heard that it might be Anna Sophia Robbs!

  3. well, what happened wuz that they were going to make a movie and then this big fight happened before they even started casting auditions and they split up. but they are slowly processing getting the auditions back together so no one knows  who is playing anyone.

  4. I think I should be Sabrina. I just want to be noticed. Everyone says I am perfect for her. Plus, I've read all the books so I know how to act like her. I'm her age and I'm a great actor. everything I've tried out for I've gotten. I just want a chance to be spectacular.  :)

  5. I don't think they have had any auditions or a permanent cast yet, so yea I don't know.

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