
Who pollute the environment more devoleped countries or poor???

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Who pollute the environment more devoleped countries or poor???




  1. Definatley developed countries

  2. both...look at whats produced... each person may appear to produce less pollution but look at specifics...100 3rd worlders growing food [wheat] may use the same energy/chemicals to grow the same food as 10 American/European even if 1st worlder produce more total pollution the production of goods per person is much higher....

  3. Of course developed countries!

    they have all kinds industries and things to pollute the lakes, rivers and stuff.

  4. Global pollution is another brainwash "problem" created by the governments to control the masses via panic attacks.

    Drink some PROZAC.

    My 2 cents.

  5. Poor countries by far. But that said, it is more the non-free market poor countries that are the absolute worse. In a free market society, the public chooses which companies they support by buying the products that company produces. If the people are not pleased with the environmental policies of a company, they don't purchase that company's products. In closed market societies, there is no choice. You use the products given to you no matter how environmentally disgusting the producer's policies.

    Now, why is it that we in the United States and other free market societies being pushed by the UN and other environmentalist wacko groups to solve the world's environmental problems? Is that fair?

  6. I ask you, which is more polluted? New Delhi or New York? Manila or Tokyo? So what do you think?

  7. I would have to state developed countries. I will say this with the notion on a per capita biases, in conjunction with the notion of consumption; that many of the developing countries have companies in the developing countries that produce goods for the developed world.

  8. There are different kinds of pollution. Developed countries put out more CO2 than poor countries (not counting China in that category), which increases global warming.  But poor countries have little, if any, environmental laws so many toxins are discarded into the air and water systems in those countries.

  9. I believe that more developed countries pollute the environment more, because they are the ones that use all the trash and don't recycle, use a lot more things, throw out more things, and use more energy than poorer countries

  10. More developed like the United States. With all the factories and all the other c**p that we do.

  11. Depends on how you are comparing.

    The US has a lot of pollution because we have a lot of industry and cars.  We also spend a lot of money on cleaning up after ourselves and on cleaner technology.

    China has a lot of pollution because they have almost 0 pollution laws.  They are too poor and corrupt to clean up anything and frequently are using old dirty technology.

    Which one is worse?  I say places like China and India.  Several of the most polluted places on Earth are in those 2 countries.

  12. Developed AND/OR third world countries that raise livestock, cattle in particular. Methane gas is greatly contributing to global warming. The more populated the planet gets, the more cattle there are to emit methane gas, not to mention livestock in general. (People are excluded either).

    One of the many contributing factors to the environment dilemma.

  13. i think both.  the type of pollution differs between both countries.  In developed countries we would expect to have air ,water , noise pollution.  In developed countries the government may levy taxes on those who throw wastes anywhere.  Those in developed countries are high income earners and they can afford to pay the tax.  An increased tax will mean a reduction in income which may help reduce pollution. Developed countries have lots of resources in terms of money and they can afford to buy anti pollution stuffs which may be difficult to afford for da poor country.  Land pollution is common in poor country koz they just throw the wastes everywhere.  the insfrastructure in poor countries is not good which may imply there is no good measure designed for the dispose of wastes.  And there may be no dustbins.  people just throw the wastes anywere

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