
Who put america in charge?

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who put America in charge? now they want to put nuclear weapons in Poland Washington seams very war hungry. have they forgotten about Cuba.




  1. ive been asking this for a long time,they think they can bomb countries and when those countries fight back the only way they can against usa might,they get called terrorists,georgia is backed by usa and georgia should not have invaded south whatever,the russians kicked georgia out and gave them a warning yet usa is backing georgia,usa is going to come unstuck soon and i think china will side with russia along with a lot of countries,ill be glad to see that but i wish britain would keep out of armouror states usa never helped us,we more than paid for it,what is the matter with americans,weve bailed them out in the golf wars,they should be hanging their heads in shame cant they see how the rest of the world is turning against come so many thumbs down have the americans invaded our uk you are misinformed or uneducated,what language do ya all speak,where did it come from?we dont mess up like vietnam,iran iraq,without us the whole world would be against you get real,look at yahoo not many like usa.

  2. I believe it was Europe that put us in charge, back in 1945 when they had a little problem they couldn't handle. (Adolph) and then another one (Stalin) and a few more (Tito, Brezhnev)  

  3. What about Cuba it is not our fault that their young women have to hang out in front of hotels to service Brits,Canadians and Euros or that you can't charge anything there must bring cash They must learn to play nice

    To ans your ? as to who put America in charge God and that thing that can pop of 50 rounds a minuet We are not putting nukes in Poland we are putting anti missiles in Poland You know ''star wars'' you called it and said it would never work

    Y'all just the most amusing people in the world When Mr Reagan pressured y'all to install missiles to counter the ones the Russians already had in eastern Europe [I'm sure you remember when they controlled that part of the world?] You went crazy now this

    Unless you live in Poland it's none of your business If they don't want them they well tell us Canada did How ever now that Russia has planted it's flag in the north pole they are thinking it over Time to grow up and see the world for what it is

    I can't let the above B/S pass Germany declared war on us you were just holding on not winning anything Look up Dunkirk you almost lost it all right there Mr Churchill said our aid was ''the most generous act of any nation in history'' Now we were winning The Supreme commander of ALL troops[Yes All the troops Son] in Europe was Ike an American what does that tell you ?What utter c**p You people over the pond are the most misinformed people in the world China is a world power You are not only amusing you are silly

    Silly little Timmy has not countered one of my points They were not'' led '' by the C I A they were trained by the C I A Yes we don't like to lose as we are not use to it I'm sure you and your kind know how to handle it very well As an aside I call the boy who delivers my newspaper Timmy He would add LOL to his posts just as you,and call names just as you, do you put X X X when you like some guy out there?

    Wrong sonny boy Germany declared war on America Japan attacked America not Germany and yet we left the pacific theatre to the U S M C our Army was sent over the pond to  protect your sorry behinds and our Navy down to protect the boys down that time they were yours Fist fights broke out as the yanks wanted to kill the Japanese not to protect your silly butts again You Brits had to sew American flags on hoping the frogs would not shoot you in North Africa Montgomery do you mean that little guy that Patton had to wait for at the gates of Paris and tell ''fight along side me not behind me''You really should stop watching your God awful BBC but you still must pay for it .But y'all amusing little guys

    If your nice I'll give y'all some teeth whitener and you well wonder were the yellow went

    I live with you and give y'all a few more years before you come apart It's a mess over here So don't try too B/S me I've seen you Brits rolling  on the floor in pain as they have to wait weeks to see a dentist So save your B/S for yahoo Look up ''Germany declared war on America''

  4. Didn't see any other country step up to the plate.

    And PS - we're NOT putting nuclear weapons in Poland. Get your facts straight.

  5. America is very woried that one day they will experience war on their soil.China now the new world power play things very calm whilst america like the smaller man has to keep shouting louder and louder.This, and the mental instability of american leaders, makes the world very unstable.America is on the verge of an economic disaster so will even create a war to divert attention from this weakness.

  6. The U.S. has 15,000+ (50 to 100 Megaton) Nuclear Warheads that can wipe out an area of 100 square miles.   and countless Battlefield Nukes that can wipe out an area of 3 square miles and plus larger warheads rumored up to 350 Megatons+ held by "Black" Pentagon programs that could do untold and unthinkable devastation!

  7. the cia.. and the new world order that controls it..

    they rule the world and decide which country does what..

    this would be the bildenburger group.. the skull and bones.. etc..

    the real power.. not the fake .. elected stuff...

  8. America is like the older sibling threatening/warning the younger sibling not to go in his room or they'll be h**l to pay...

    It's not the we are in charge, other countries know we will defend the helpless and fight back and conquer if attacked...

    The only war we will not win, if we are even a part of it (I won't be here, I will have been raptured out) is the battle of Armegeddon. Jesus will win that war and destroy every other nation involved...ok, I'm starting to chase rabbits, my bad....

  9. The answer, if you study Darwin, is the process of natural selection. There is no 'hidden hand' that moves to put kings and nations in charge. Nations rise and fall and those with the characteristics that equip them for survival and dominance will take over the pack. Russia is contesting the USA's right to be top dog, just as a buck would challenge an incumbent stag for the right to rule the herd. We will have to see whether the old stag can fend off the challenge. We are members of the herd and will have to follow whoever is victorious. Darwin explains everything if you're dumb enough.

  10. Now.  We've been working on this for over a year.  Did you just decide to read a newspaper and become an expert overnight?

  11. Before asking rhetorical questions, get your facts straight and read a bit. They are not putting nukes in Poland. They are putting a missle defense system to protect Europe and the United States from OTHER countries launching Nukes at them. They dont use Nuclear weapons to shoot missles out of the sky!!!!

  12. Industrialists

  13. America is not in charge nor are they putting Nuclear Weapons in Poland.

    Poland are now a member of the European Community and a member of NATO. That means they applied for and were accepted as a member of the club of Europeans such as the Uk and France and the Club of Europeans and Americans

    America is a partner in NATO and in echange for an agreement not to develop Nuclear weapons, America agrees with Poland that in the event of a nuclear war they will protect them. Basically all that means is covering their backs and their heads with an umbrella. Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles are capable of being launched from half way around the world and hitting their target.So there is no need to site them in Poland

    Poland though in the last 50 years has been invaded by the n***s and Joe Stalin of Russia. If it was your country That had been invaded twice wouldnt you like someone to say we will protect you if needs must with our weapons

    You do know that the signing of the Nuclear Umbrella agreement was designed to p**s Russia off because they were lying about leaving Georgia

    It may very well be that the Umbrella is withdrawn providing the Russians get out

    Like America though The UK and France are Nuclear powers and even if America withdraws its Umbrella France has a resolution to NATO

    That A European Nuclear Weapons Umbrella be developed in order to defend Europe. Who do you think its meant to protect us from America ? I think not ! Poland is part of the European Union and as such is entitled to be protected by the Umbrella we develop

    Cuba is different, Russia deliberately sited both warheads and missiles with a deliberate intention of pointing them at American cities

    There are no plans for America to actually site the weapons indeed they have an agreement with Russia not to do so. The Russians do not have any such agreement with Europe

    I think  the United Nations is toothless,defunct and obsolete and its time the western world called it a day on it and developed NATO to be the super power we need  

  14. After WW2 and the dismantling of the British empire England no longer needed to be the worlds Police Force which it did since Elizabeth 1 and the US needs to protect all its interests around the World that is why they are  in charge and a who is going to stop them ???

    Contrary to Popular belief England was winning the War against Germany BEFORE the USA joined us After Pearl Harbour the Germans and the Japanese were Allies  so the USA declared war on the AXIS which happened to include Germany they did not come into the war to help Great Britain If Japan had not attacked Roosevelt would have kept the Almighty USA out of the war

    I see i got a thumbs down well i never saw the us air force at the battle of Britain which i believe Britain won and was it not thee BRITISH 8th army that pushed Rommel out of Africa and did i see correctly it was the Royal navy that sunk the Bismark Turpiitz was bombed by RAF and sunk and the Admiral Graft spey was scuttled after the royal navy's attack I don't remember any reports of the USA being involved and the first time the Americans did anything by them selfs

    Churchill said that he thought we’d hurled a wild cat o shore, but we ended up with a stranded whale, so we stuck on the beach-head for some time.

    The American General in charge was General Lucas; he was later sacked for moving everything onto the beach and hesitating to move forward from Anzio  beach

  15. America is not putting nuclear weapons in poland.It is a missile defense system. Patriot missile's i think. A top russian general then said that russia has the right too nuke poland for this.

  16. Evidently! Maybe somebody should send GWB a copy of 'Thirteen days', 'Threads' and 'The Day After' and when he has watched all three then see if he is as keen to station these things along the border with Russia

  17. Lol @ Ray.isBack's answer. It's Foghorn Leghorn!

    The whole Cuban missile crisis was a diplomatic stalemate. Kruschchev & Kennedy both came out as outstanding diplomats (in the course of time at least), and they both got what they wanted. The unfortunate trade off is the childish trade embargo with Cuba, and silly incidentals such as the Helms Burton Bill. The whole world knows the USA is a sore loser, but Castro wiped the floor with your CIA led exiles at Playa Giron, and it was 46 years ago. Get over it.

    Edit; Ok, for Ray.isBack/Foghorn Leghorn's benefit I will counter some of his dubious assertions. The Cuban expats who got pummelled at the Bay of Pigs were funded, trained and supplied by the CIA. If that doesn't make them CIA led, I don't know what does. The only reason Cuban exiles were used was because Kennedy didn't want to make the USA look bad by invading Cuba outright with US troops.

    The USA, along with China, declared war on all the axis powers simultaneously after the pacific bombing raids (inlcuding Pearl Harbour) on Dec 7th 1941, so Germany did not declare war on the USA-don't they have history books in the USA other than ones where the USA wins in Vietnam etc? Also, let's not forget that Britain stopped the Luftwaffe in its tracks during the Battle of Britain and also defeated the n***s in north Africa under General Montgomery's leadership-a considerable feat, given that the n***s were led by legendary General Rommel, and had superior numbers & armaments. I could go on, but I have limited patience with remedial children such as yourself. I say I say I say boy.

    Ok Foghorn I give up-you've been reading those American history books and nothing I say is going to change your miniscule mind, even if it's historical fact. I assume that you believe films such as U-571 too?  America always the hero, never the baddie. Look up the word "insular", it describes Americans well. Oh, and you have obviously never been to Britain, since  the NHS gives us free & subsidized dental care we have pretty good teeth. Mine are d**n near perfect actually, thanks for asking. Unlike you though, I have been overseas, and spent many months in the USA marvelling at how a nation could be so massively overweight, so unbelievably ignorant of the world beyond thier shores, and have such unbelievably c**p cars.

    So, back to the original question-just how badly did the CIA's boys get their arses kicked at Play Giron?

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