
Who put the human race here?

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Who put the human race here?




  1. I believe God did   If we evolved from apes why do we still have apes on the earth at this time

  2. There is some fossil evidence that we evolved so that precludes being placed here just as we are now.

  3. The Annunaki

  4. some sports fanatic i bet .

  5. Aliens....

  6. It was a race of advanced beings from beyond Alpha Centauri.


  7. Ask Darwin.

  8. God and for a good reason

  9. No one and nothing. We evolved naturally here on Earth. Somewhere roughly 6 to 12 million years ago, the hominids, ancestors of humans, split off the evolutionary tree from the precursors of modern chimpanzees, our closest genetic relatives. Humans and chimpanzees share between 94% and 98% of our genetic makeup depending on how you measure, and are so similar that we share susceptibility or immunity to almost all diseases. Our hominid ancestors lived in Africa, and continued to evolve through the generations. Many theories conjecture that the loss of body hair and the upright posture of later hominids was an evolutionary response to life on or near the hot savanna of southern Africa. Both changes would serve to keep the hominid cooler, and the posture might also give an advantage in seeing predators or prey.

           One of the more successful early hominids, Australopithecus, arrived about 4 million years ago. Roughly 2.5 million years ago, the first hominids known as Homo split off from the Australopithecus group. Their descendants, Homo habilis and Homo rudolfensis, began using stone tools. From the Homo rudolfensis line hominids became progressively smarter, and by about 1 million years ago they started using fire. They spread out geographically from Africa to Europe and Asia. Several groups of hominids coexisted and possibly competed against each other for resources. They continued to evolve, as shown by the extensive fossil record.

           Around 195,000 years ago, we find in Africa the first fossils of Homo sapiens, the earliest human beings. The earliest “modern” human beings, or Homo sapiens sapiens, arrived approximately 150,000 to 130,000 years ago, and migrated out of Africa about 100,000 years ago. Homo sapiens sapiens evolved from earlier hominids, but did not eliminate all other evolutionary cousins right away. Populations of other hominids continued to exist for some time, and some of them evolved to give us the squat muscular Homo neanderthalensis (Neanderthal Man) in Europe and the tiny Homo floresiensis (Flores Man) in Indonesia, both intelligent species who survived until Homo sapiens sapiens eventually won out through evolutionary success. By around 50,000 years ago, Homo sapiens sapiens had spread out from Africa and Asia to inhabit Europe and Australia, and 20,000 years later some migrated from Siberia to Alaska, and then down to inhabit North and South America. The last Neanderthals held out until about 27,000 years ago. The last Flores Man died out sometime in the last 20,000 years, possibly as recently as the last several hundred years.

           In the last 30,000 or 40,000 years, man began drawing pictures. Around 15,000 to 10,000 years ago, man discovered agriculture and began domesticating animals. With a more plentiful source of food, man had more time to devote to intellectual pursuits, and developed writing, with symbols standing for sounds. Some of the earlier forms of writing (from about 6,000 years ago) in the form of markings called “cuneiform” on clay tablets have been found and studied. With the advent of writing begins the recorded history of mankind.

  10. God!

  11. Bozo McDullard.

  12. I did.

  13. The human species evolved over millions of years.  No one "put" us here.

  14. Whoever did is propably regreting it the way it has turned out

  15. Various answers..

    1. The 'Human Race' is not a appropriate object for the who? question.

    2. The Universe put us here, by being such a big pain in the but for Life for so long. She evolved us to teach 'It' a lesson.

    3. A very long series of unlikely events.

    4. Anthropologists, Historians and Darwin.

  16. I did!!

  17. We were put here from Mars so that we can live and prosper.Some day we will all go back home .I can't wait.

  18. pay close attention, I'll try to type slowly so you can understand.

    N o b o d y!!

  19. God

  20. the dragon

  21. No-one put us here.

    We all, everything alive, evolved from bacteria.

  22. My mum and dad put me here. Don't know about anybody else.

  23. GOD of course. If you read Genesis you will see how HE created the world and it even shows how the different races came out from the different tribes!!!!!!

  24. Us       8)

  25. Evolution by natural selection.

  26. Why ?

    Are you wording a letter of complaint?

  27. Several millenniums ago the human race had to make quick exit from the planet mars due to warming of the martian atmosphere and with a bit of assistance from our alien allies we landed on planet earth..the rest is history

  28. I don't like Spence taking credit for my work.

    I DID!!

    Me and the rest of the pantheon of gods in the universe put the human race on the earth for one reason, and one reason only:  To create softball.  Now we have somewhere we can go and run around while drinking beer.  Long live the softball gods!!

    Well, what do you expect.  Ask a ridiculous question and this is the kind of answer you'll get.

  29. God only Knows

  30. God of course.

    Check out Genesis 1-10

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