
Who "gave" South Ossetia to Georgia? They don't consider themselves Georgians, do they..?

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My impression is that South Ossetia is a little "nation" that wishes autonomy, but it was somehow given to Georgia or Georgia claims it and the world says Yes. Ideally, wouldn't Ossetia like to become a recognized nation, and so would Chechnya, and Ingushtia...?




  1. I read somewhere that there used to be mostly Georgians living there but the Russians forced them out in their bid to annex the region.

  2. The well known comrade Stalin did it, because he was himself Georgian. Now Sakashvili is the new Stalin. Don't you think he is so much like him? Unpredictable,dangerous and mentally sick. And don't compare Ossetians to Chechens. They were always loyal to Russians, never fought against them.  

  3. STALIN did it in the 1920's when he conquered that area! Then he divided all those countries in ways that ignored ethnic and geological divides - on purpose to keep them split up and quibbling amongst themselves instead of unified and opposing him!

    When Georgia broke off as a Russian member state, the South Ossetian s refused to be part of it and fought them to remain independent. They were never a part of Georgia only when Stalin/Russia forced them to be!

    The fact that the US wishes to continue in Stalin's footsteps is frankly embarrassing. We can no longer pretend we will back the little guy against those that will rule them and take advantage of them. The Georgians have always been a bloody people - the Russians used them in their Army for elite soldiers but never "liked" them. In fact of the total of 21 years of Georgian freedom there were 7 different wars with their neighbors!

    South Ossetia wants their freedom (and that of North Ossetia) but prefers to be aligned with Russia who will not murder them and take their property. It is a really tiny area and should be allowed to be free.    

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