
Who read "13 reasons why" by Jay Asher ?

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.. does anybody else get the weird feeling Hannah didn't commit suicide..

I think she really did think about it but then got scared and decided to talk to her parents. And then .. they decided to let her fake her suicide and move away.. that's why there was no funeral.

-- then Hannah changed her appearance, and now she works at Monet's and that's who Clay spoke to but couldn't recognize her face but said she looked familiar.

-- and Hannah sending the tapes got back at everyone who screwed up her life, and she was there to see it all unfold .. so when the people got the tapes and whoever followed the map .. hannah could watch them go through pain while listening to her story of pain they caused her.




  1. Yes, I suppose that COULD be the answer.

    But, I really don't think that was the case. I mean.. what type of parents would let EVERYONE think their daughter is dead?!

  2. That is actually a really clever theory.  Although in the book, doesn't he see her parents at the very beginning, and they're closing their shop down?  Maybe not...anyway, amazing novel.  You would think, though, were that the case, that she would have told Clay and NOT sent him the tapes.

  3. Whoa, interesting theory.... Although I don't really think that's what happened. I think she really did kill herself... But it is fun to think that she really was there the whole time... I really like that book :)

  4. i think she really did kill herself but that is a good idea.  

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