
Who really cares her daughter is pregnant?

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Mccains picked running mate's daughter is pregnant. Everyone is going crazy, I mean really, isn't a large portion of America know or have a teenager that has a baby in their family. I mean, how does it really effect her in a negative way as far as being VP? If anything, she will be able to relate to more people. What do you think?




  1. I don't care if the daughter is pregnant. What the h**l would that have to do with it if Iran started lobing nukes at us.

  2. I think when a candidate is selected for thier social values, it is funny that thier own family seemingly does not share those conservative social values.

    In addition, it shows how McCain seemingly made a quick decision without knowing all the facts, once again demonstrating his hot headedness.

    I think McCain gave in to the right wing nut jobs with his selection of someone he didn't know well, rather than selecting someone he knew and could work with, and it has really bit him in the **** this time.

  3. Its her policy, which she wants to make public policy, about abortion, s*x ed, contraception, that makes this a story.

    If it hasn't worked in her own family why would we want her to make the decisions about such personal matters for us about our kids and ourselves?

    She is a person who doesn't want s*x and responsibility taught, and apparently she didn't teach it at all or not well to her offspring.

    I raised two girls who didn't get pregnant before marriage, maybe she needs to call me.

  4. Because the way she raised her kid is how she wants all other kids in America to learn.....abstinence ONLY. It didn't work for her but she's a holier then thou person that thinks they know it all and can legislate how you should behave.

  5. BIG DEAL. So are half the teenage girls in this country, now prego or already have 2 or 3 kids. Nobody gives a hoot any more, teens run amuck doing what they d**n well please, and more and more people die of aids every day.

  6. Closed minded, self righteous, and hypocitical people under the umbrella of liberalism, my dear.

  7. It's more about her mother saying "No to premarital s*x" and don't teach s*x ed in school only to have her daughter come up pregnant. It's like the ministers who hate g**s and prostitutes but always seem to get caught with them.

  8. If no one cared that she was pregnant,you wouldn't have asked that question.I think everyone needs to stay our of her business.That is a private matter.

  9. No one cares that she is preggars. They are making a big deal because it shows Palin's preachings didn't work in her own home.  

  10. There probably aren't a lot of people that give two figs about whether or not Ms. Palin's daughter is pregnant. But, it is a case in point that conservative thinking about contraception, abstinence only, birth control, etc. do not face up to real world conditions. Perhaps if  Ms. Palin and/or her husband had gotten their daughter some contraception and told her to use it, her daughter would not be in this embarrassing situation? All of it just goes back to the wisdom and judgment argument.

  11. that hole pregnancy thing is over rated, WHO CARES!! i mean the girl is happy and it should be no ones busnes, but the media is so stupid and the try to bring attention to bazaar thing that don't matter, whether her daughters is having a baby or not it should matter, America should have in mind other things like the fact that she is does not have the experience on ruining a country, i mean come on ALASKA! there more people in maui and i don't think anyone would elect linda Lingle as the VP,  that's just insane and before that she was a soccer mom!! i would say not ready! she would not relate to anyone she's her own person, also she's very religious and is against abortion!  so there you go, i think people should just let go about her daughter, she pregnant and the last thing she need is worries.

  12. That boy does.

  13. Because she not setting a good example for believing in family

    values and being a christian. How can she preach family values

    when it doesn't start with her? Her husband has a drunk driving

    record and she under investigation. Plus she has no NATIONAL

    experience, just STATE issues. I think she the wrong choice !!

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