
Who really is the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time?

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Honky Tonk Man should get some props for holding it for a record time, however anybody who was around during that time can recall the he always got dq,counted out, or cheated.

So my question is who do you as a user rate as the best IC of all time ?




  1. What about The Ultimate Warrior.  If I am not mistaken he was the first to hold both belts.  

  2. so many i cant choose

  3. Curt Hennings has been my favorite IC champ

  4. Jeff Hardy

  5. bret hart

  6. Bret the Hitman Hart was the greatest of all time,IMO.

  7. It's hard for me to pick one with all the greats that have held that belt. Honky Tonk Man had the longest IC reign.

    I'll dwindle it down to either Macho Man or Razor Ramon..Razor had a few reigns..either 3 or 4, and was in plenty of great matches while champion.

    Macho Man while he was IC champ was in matches with plenty of talented wrestlers..all great matches, and lost the title in one of the greatest matches of all time against Ricky Steamboat at Wrestlemania III.

    EDIT: Funny thing, I was thinking of asking this same question when I saw the Honko beat me to it.

  8. shawn micheal

  9. so many so hard to chose. Bret did some of best work in IC matches, of course you have HBK and Jericho's reigns, HHH in 2002 really took it to another level-just a hair down from the world title, Rick Rude drew so much heat during his reign, Mr. Perfect, Honky Tonk, Scott Hall, its hard to pick.

  10. I would have to go with the Ultimate Warrior....he was one bad *** mother----er!!!!

  11. Shelton Benjamin...

    I don't even care how ignorant that sounds, his first reign as IC Champ was the most entertaining reign I've seen in a long time.

  12. Tonky Honk Man,  I dont know though.  He has the longest reign, but is he the greatest, no

    1.  Randy Savage

    2.  Don Muraco

    3.  HBK

    4.  Brett Hart

    5.  Greg Valentine

  13. razor ramon for me. after all he is my favorite.

  14. This is good.  Honky is up there no matter how he kept it.  He was a heel, and that's how they win.

    Mr. Perfect, Bret Hart, Rick Rude are also great.

    My pick is Chris Jericho.  8 times, and should have been more world championships.

  15. I am going way back to Macho Man but it's all a matter of opinion.

  16. Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon all spring to mind.

    All 3 of them were talented wrestlers who were over with the crowd, and defended the title in some memorable matches. I would add Chris Benoit and Jericho to that list too as they had very personal feuds and great matches between them for the title.

    Bret Hart vs. Davey Boy Smith also springs to mind in 1992 in my home country UK.

  17. Chris Jericho, He always had a good run until last reign.

    Vince messed up on the last one, They just wanted Hardy lose the title and had no clue who to give it to, and so Vince thought why not Y2J, They really should have thought more into that one, But from watching all of the other reigns of Y2J he is close to if not the best.

  18. Rob Van Dam, When he was champion he always had a great match.

  19. Lenth of time doesnt REALLY mean Honky's day they had no one else ready to take that spot.  Rude, Henning, Hart...but I'd have to say AUSTIN!  He turned the comany around, NO-ONE not even the REAL GREAT ONE Ric Flair was a heal & face at the same time without changing his persona.  Winning the IC belt was SA's first step down that road.  

  20. "Ravishing" Rick Rude

  21. Macho Man because he is a Champion and a rapper

  22. CHYNA




  23. I would have to say is between Bret the hitman Heart and the Ultimate Warrior

  24. i asked this yesterday but i dont care dude .its fine dont worry about it

    in my opinion mr perfect curt hennig , a multiple time intercontinental champion. he should have been a wwf/e champion .he was a great person and a great wrestler. rip mr perfect nobody will forget you.


  25. The greatest Intercontinental Champion should go to WWE Hall of Famer Pat Paterson. He became the first Intercontinental Champion in the WWE (then the WWF) in 1979.

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