I need help with my local state welfare department. It seems after some flooding in Southeastern Wisconsin that everyone is entitled to foodshare benefits. Even people that don't need it are filing for them and because of this, people with existing cases have to wait up to 4 weeks before their benefits can be turned back on. Why am I so upset? I am the mother of a 1 year old and the only means I have right now to feed him, is the local foodshare program. Who can I contact about this? I live in Milwaukee,Wisconsin, which is also Milwaukee County. I have tried talking with the people at the offices, but all they can tell me is that people who applied for the "Disaster Aid Benefits" are first and everyone with existing cases that are waiting on verification have at least a 4 week wait before their cases will be looked at. This is completely wrong, considering half of the people applying for those benefits don't even need them. If anyone knows anything I can do,please help a mother in need