
Who really owned America?

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I think that what the Caucasian did cannot ever be forgotten especially what they did to south Africa and south India.

The day shall come?




  1. God actually "owns" America.  He owns all of the other countries, too.  He did create them.

  2. American Indians, indigenous peoples never claimed ownership of land. That was a white man's concept. They only had territorial control. It was, for better or worse, taken over by the white man by right of conquest. That's just the way things are, even today,sometimes (Israel). Aside from that with numerous government subsidies, lucrative casino rights, tax free land,etc, if they can stay away from the bottle- possibly the worst curse of Europeans, they get a pretty good deal.---- So, giving you money would keep you from hating us? I doubt it. Like it or not-PEOPLE MIGRATE,THEY ALWAYS HAVE,GET OVER IT!

  3. Woah. Whats up with you? I'm not getting pregrant. And I'm not stupid either. Just because SOME teenagers are doesn't mean all are. Don't sterotype people. And they won't ever pay. Everybody is over what we did hundreds of years ago. Just not you.

  4. If you have ever gone gambling in one of thos "poor" Indian gaming casinos ...most of the "white" men I know have come away from the experience after PAYING SEVERLY!

    Jusitce has been served. Shut up and keep  looking for a job that an illegal isn't doing for half what the rest of us need to pay our bills and taxes ( to provide education and health care for the benefit of illegals.)

  5. No one owned America at that time and I will remind you that the "Native Americans" also immigrated from elsewhere.

    As for paying,we do so everyday and have been for a long time for something we had no part in. It's not our fault if the non white man can't get his shite together. Seriously,the native/slavery thing happened a long time ago,how much more dependence on us do you need so you can succeed?

    Maybe it's time for the white man to say enough and start doing the asking for payment.

  6. Paying is over. Now what?

  7. We've been paying and paying and paying...............................

  8. The American Indians felt that no one could own the land, the land belonged to everyone!  They would claim an area in which they lived & tried to keep others from encroaching on that land, but they did not consider it as being theirs exclusively, only theirs to use & care for, which they did care for the land!  Perhaps the White man/woman is paying now, since we are really having hard times & can't seem to be in control of anything!  Floods, drought, fresh water becoming scarce, land becoming over used, top soil at it's lowest in our history, iron ore almost depleted, polluted lakes & rivers etc.  Maybe it's now pay back time for the White man/woman!

  9. Who really owned America?

    We know the Europeans stole America from the native Americans.

    When will the white man pay?


    You need a whole lot of history before you understand, but I will do a very brief into on this issue.  The people in this country at the time the Europeans arrived were in one heck of a continent wide war over territory.  Almost everyone here was a hunter gatherer and moved quickly when game ran out.  At that point where the Europeans arrived, no one actually claimed land.. merely hunting grounds.

    When the Northern Europeans arrived, they introduced a system of cultivation and farming that cause those folks to avoid starving to death.  The people who were here took to that farming business like a duck to water because they did not starve to death in bad years.

    You really need to lose your anger and get some education.

  10. You can't talk to me like that.

    Who owns you, anyway?

    I wanna have a word with him.

  11. We basically lived every where and did what we wanted, then the White People came and said that we can't  live on 'their land' so wars were made and things traded, soon enough all of out land was gone and if we stepped on someones cow pasture we were shot for trespassing.

    The whole continent was our home, compared to a tiny square of land.

    And yes, you are still paying, I'm in college studying for a degree in Nuclear Medicine care of the US Govt. :)

    So on behalf of all American Natives, thank you for stealing what we never really owned, sending me to college, giving me tax breaks, casino privileges, and the right to do what ever I want on a reservation.

  12. just because someone is white, doesnt mean you should hate them for what their ancestors did. then you are no better than the slave-owners.

    it's all about finding someone to blame instead of doing something about it.

  13. let a non-white man or woman be US president!

  14. A week from next Tuesday.  Mark it on your calendar.

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