
Who rules YOUR world?

by Guest59437  |  earlier

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Tell me who you think rules the world, wether it's a country, a person or maybe someone who's the centre of your world?!




  1. i like to write my own story.

    but my parents "help" ALOT

  2. Wife...

  3. Jesus

  4. God.

  5. my yorkie,he is the boss in our house,and he knows it ha ha

  6. The business people of the world.

  7. God....who else?

  8. My girlfriend

  9. my husband, I'd do anything for him

  10. My boyfriend Calum rules my whole world

  11. On weekdays I'm a slave to the 9 to 5:30 culture.

    On Weekends its a lady in leathers and a whip! :-p

  12. I took control of my own world years ago

  13. my parents. unfortunately. they have complete control over me.  ahhh the joys of being 13.  (sarcasm in case u didnt know)

  14. Well, with in a family its better to rule the house..with your partner by understanding..and sharing ideas with each other. Because the other way round brings unhappiness..

  15. I rule my own world coz its mine! But God help me to make this world better!

  16. whoever controls the oil supply currently.  in the future i think china will sheerly by their numbers and recent industrialization

  17. Christ. No doubt I'll get thumbs down for this, but you did ask for personal answers!

  18. Good Q...???The Mortgage guys i guess??

  19. jesus, god and my husband
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