
Who runs Canada?

by Guest33099  |  earlier

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Who runs Canada?




  1. oh, british parliment,

    i was gonna say your mom but someone else said it ;-(

  2. Nobody really runs the entire country all by themselves. were big on democracy. The prime minister [who I think now is stephen harper but im not sure] is basically like the president. then each province is run individually by other representitives

    Hope that helped

  3. Canada is an independent country, with our own parliamentary system, senate, house of commons, judiciary, and all the rest that goes with being a sovereign state. England DOES NOT have the right to impose any rule in Canada. The Queen is still the figurehead on the coins and 20 dollar bills, but that is part of an outdated monarchist mentality. The British Crown has a representative in Canada (the Governor General) who has been a Canadian citizen for the last century or so.

    To the person who said that if England went to war, the other commonwealth nations would follow - what about when Tony Blair sent troops to support his bum buddy George W Bush in Iraq? I don't recall a lot of Canadian, Aussie, or Kiwi soldiers following him.

  4. The two main government levels are federal and provincial.

    The Federal Government is headed by the Prime Minister. At this time, that is the Right Honourable Stephen Harper (I put the salutation in on purpose, all cabinet Ministers are Right Honourable, all elected Members of Parliament are the Honourable blah blah). Mr Harper's Party is the Conservative Party of Canada (It is NOT the Progressive Conservative party since the PC and Alliance parties merged).

    On the Provincial level, the Legislature or Provincial Parliament is headed by the Premier. Each Province has a different Premier.

    That's a brief overview for you. Canada is NOT run by the British...and hasn't been since 1867.

  5. the British


  6. The priminister of Canada- Stephan Harper! no we are not under the british colony any more! so the queen has no power over us! we make our own decisions!

  7. Bret Hart

  8. Canada is governed by Stephen Hapers Progressive Conservative party .....They one the last democratic election in the country

  9. ME...and my evil minions!!! MwAhAhAhA!!!!-*evil laugh*

  10. ermmmm look at your canadian dollars u will see an old woman printed on them,check your coins as well funnily enough u see the same picture :O .

    she 'rules canada' all of its land and all of its people,if england went to war, then the commonwealth countries would rally towards us.


    because they have to.

  11. The Canadian people are the ones who run Canada by the means of "VOTING" !! The reason the "Queen" is still on Canada's money, is as a means of remembrance, and respect! Canada has it's own government which the Canadian Citizens vote for. Canada is no longer "ruled" by Britain, however is a lot of time influenced by them.

  12. Canada is under the parliamentary system as it's form of government.  We have a multi-party system where members of a variety of parties, and some independants, run for office and are voted in by the Canadian people.  Federally the people who win are designated as Members of Parliament (MP's).  The party that wins the majority of seats forms the government with the leader of that party becoming the Prime Minister.  If no party wins a clear majority then normally the party with the most seats forms a "minority" government such as we have now under Prime Mnister Steven Harper (Conservative Party).  His official title is "The Right Honourable Steven Harper, Prime Minister of Canada".  Only current and past Prime Ministers can be called "The Right Honourable", the other members of Parliament are either "Honourable" or just "MP".  Provincially the same rules apply however the members are known as "Members of the Legislative Assembly" or "MLA" and the provincial leader is called the "Premier of (name of province)".

    The Queen is still the "Head of State" as Canada is a Commonwealth country and the Queen is the head of the Commonwealth.  This is strictly a ceremonial position however and the Queen (or King) exercises no authority over Canada.  The Queen's representative in Canada is "The Governor General of Canada" federally and, on a provincial level "The Lieutenant Governor of (province's name)".  These individuals however are chosen by the current Prime Minister and serve 5 year terms.  Although the choices are approved by the Queen this is just a matter of form.  The Queen does not appoint nor would she refuse approval of the Prime Minister's appointment.

  13. Hi Julia

    You must forgive some of my fellow Canadians. We sometimes get carried away by our peculiar sense of humour. For Example, Bret Hart is really in  wrestling, not national politics.

    If you are using this information for school or something like that, look at Bapa BBea's  and Jeff's answer.

  14. I thought it was the people living in our democracy, but apparently I was disillusioned.  Every time I put gas in the car, I think that it is the Saudi's that run this country--and our government is happy to let them do it.  Like our government doesn't get enough money from us, now they let us get gouged by foreign nations.

    Well I have to edit--the question was who runs Canada?-The answer is --we do--and we elected them to do it.  So now the real question is why doesn't Alberta pay royalties to Ontario for us setting them up for gold in the first place--I want some money back.  Alberta didn't mind taking transfer payments from Ontario.

  15. All of us Canadians.

  16. Sweet baby jesus.

  17. The Prime Minister and Canadian Government!
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