
Who runs realy runs the world?

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Who runs realy runs the world?




  1. women......scary isnt it

  2. Communist  China.

  3. the free masons.

  4. Dude that's easy. It ain't the people. The majority doesn't rule. Just look and see every time there's a problem and who they focus on. There's about 100 people that run or influence the world. They all have BIG money(Oil people: the middle east, Certain politicians....Remember Anna Nicole's old husband? That dude was a muli-billionaire...from being a senator...ask yourself how much to they make..$100,000?, Drug Gods...not drug lords, I mean the one's that allow the drug lords to grow the ****.) These are the one's that run the world. It's not highly famous people or celebrities because remember, no matter how pretty the car, there's something else running it.

  5. Neo-Cons in the White House

  6. Criminals.

  7. Mother nature

  8. The unseen turtle of death.

  9. Not sure, wish I did .

  10. This little gathering has a lot to answer for.....

  11. not any at the top they are to busy filling their pockets or who to s***w next ,i mean after all when they need the toilet do they   have  to  ask for  a motion, can they  agree long enough ,i doubt it,that's my gin and tonic  now,whats on the menu ,that's the priorities sorted out.........................

  12. i doubt we will ever know the answer to that one

  13. I do. Now keep on polishing those shoes...

  14. The hooded claw seems to have just about got it!

  15. no one the goverment dont

  16. large multi-nationals.

  17. bankers and capital corporations who run your governments who in return run you and you dont even know it.Remember its just a ride.

  18. Those with enough wealth lever influence, now the Middle Eastern and Russian soveriegn funds have entered the scene they will be in the position to exert their influence wherever they invest. The huge revenue from their natural resources have to be invested in foreign countries before the natural resources run out thus givng them huge political power outside their own borders and no one knows how this will turn out.

  19. Decode this lyrics "Dirty old man"

    Mr. Look-see-here.

    The dead Mummy risen up from the graveyards of failures and horrors of the past ruling and leading living human kind with empty pots and pans.

    Matt 23.27

    Who was "Dirty old man" like you and me.

    John 8.44

    What do you think?

  20. the run realy runs the world runners.

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