
Who said "Matter can not be created or destroyed? "?

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Who said "Matter can not be created or destroyed? "?




  1. Not me. I wasn't even in the same room.

  2. I do beleive it's a law of thermodynamics. although energy, as opposed to matter, might have been mentioned.

  3. It's not masser it's enargu

  4. Lavoisier in France. He did an experiment where he ran steam through a rifle barrel. He caught all of the water and of the hydrogen that was produced when the rifle rusted away. He showed that even tough a chemical reaction had taken place, all of the resultants still added up the same as what he started with, this being the hydrogen, water, rust (iron-oxide), and iron.

    He was trying to put all of this back together as what he started with, which wouldn't have worked anyway, but the French Revolution happened first.

  5. The universe.

  6. The law of conservation of mass/matter, also known as law of mass/matter conservation (or the Lomonosov-Lavoisier law), states that the mass of a closed system will remain constant, regardless of the processes acting inside the system.[1] An equivalent statement is that matter cannot be created/destroyed, although it may be rearranged. This implies that for any chemical process in a closed system, the mass of the reactants must equal the mass of the products.

    he law of conservation of mass was first clearly formulated by Lavoisier (1743-1794)

    However, Mikhail Lomonosov (1711-1765) had previously expressed similar ideas in 1748 and proved them in experiments.  

  7. Lavoisier, i think, in his law of conservation of mass

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