
Who said "with guns we are citizens without guns we are subjects"?

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Who said "with guns we are citizens without guns we are subjects"?




  1. Some dude who was very insecure in his beliefs and heart, I suppose.

  2. Someone who realized that governments can turn on their own people and the people have a right to defend themselves be it against the government or other people who wish to do them harm.

    John Lott i think.

  3. I do not know !

    But there is truth to it !

  4. I believe it was John Adams .

    Edit I was wrong it is D. Michael Wiechman, May 14, 1996

    EDIT: ebert1 did you ever study American history? Like maybe the American Revolution, its causes and the effects!

    Edit 2: love Canada your opinion does not count you are not an American Citizen and should keep opinion to Canadian boards. PTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!

    Edit 3: better liberal You need to get educated about Fascism! Liberals are fascists!

  5. Someone who was right, people will get this confused and try to change the meaning. The reality is all the people who love to hate guns and what they stand for, would not be able to have such a open opinion if it wasnt for guns in the first place. Freedoms not free, someone else had to die for that freedom.

    For those who believe that legalizing handguns is a mistake, i beg to differ. Its much easier to get a gun illegally than through legal means. If guns was illegal then everyone would get them illegally, prohibition of alcohol didnt stop people from drinking, the war on drugs doesnt stop people from finding a way to get high. By making guns illegal, you empower those who want to do ill-will to thier fellow man, while crippling the fellow man to defend himself against such attacks.

    If our government ever got out of hand, like going against the will of the people, Americans have the right to overthrow our government. If you believe for one minute that if a crowd of people charged onto the congressional floor and said, "We the people of America want you out"... they would leave youre very wrong. They would call armed guards.

    I dont like guns, but this day in age they are very necessary.

  6. Thomas Jefferson said it.

  7. To suggest "citizenship" is dependent on having one gun in your home is silly.  Would two guns make you a double citizen?  Three guns.  Citizenship actually means living and relating to others in ways that make having a gun in your position wholly meaningless.  Let's be honest - one out of a thousand, maybe 5 thousand, has a gun in their home that they use when they go hunting.  The rest have guns because they intend to shot another person - the only question is the location of the shooter and the shooted.  I say, that is a citizen we don't need.

  8. I don't know who said it, but I am in full agreement.  Citizens who are unarmed are at the mercy of the fascist police state.

  9. The guy who wrote "Guns don't kill people - people kill people" during his lunch break...

  10. If a man needs a gun to be a man, he's not a man

  11. Charleton Heston??

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