
Who said that?

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Hillary says she has found her own voice; whose voice was she using before when she made all those promises? Is this her way of getting around her earlier promises - Can we expect to hear - OH THAT WAS WHEN I WAS USING SOMEONE ELSES VOICE! She says over the past week she has listened to the people – Does that mean she was not listening before – I can not believe that because when she was publicly supporting amnesty she heard loud and clear that the American People do not want Amnesty and she did a quick turn around; she must have been listening then - whose voice was she using then?




  1. Every time I see Clinton on TV she has come up with another twist, another way of buying votes, or trying to convince people she is for them. I think she is so desperate for votes she is ready to say anything to convince people she is "their" candidate. How can she possible deliver on half the things she has promised the people? I hope she is keeping track of what she has promised. To carry out her promises though our taxes will probably have to go up 30-40%.  Maybe I read the wrong books but I would think her "I have found my own voice" would tell most voters she is slipping into la-la land!  Why has she waited until now to talk about all the good ideas and opportunities she has for America? Being a Senator for the last seven years should have brought out these good ideas before now!

  2. What bugs me about Billary is how she claims years of experience based on being Bill's wife while he was in different offices, so she has soooo much more experience than Barak Obama.  Give me a break!  She gave a bunch of inspirational speeches, dressed nice, cut some ribbons, and did small-talk with other president's wives while their husbands talked business.  Oh, and she unsuccessfully pushed for universal healthcare - a failure that shows she's not all that good at what she's bragging about.  Is that what she calls political experience?  Sorry if I seem harsh but the Clintons are part of that same CFR, Trilateral Commission, One World Government cabal that Bush is, and she will perpetuate war with Iran and we will have more of the same. God help us all.  Vote for Ron Paul!
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