
Who said that women possess less intelectual capability than men due to the weight of the brain?

by Guest45186  |  earlier

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This man determined that the brain of a man has an average weight aprox. of 1,350 grams.

Meanwhile , the brain of a woman has an average weight of 1,250 grams .

Based on this, he argued that women posses less intelectual capability than men


When he died ,he donated his brain to Science...

The autopsy determined that his brain had a weight of 1,245 grams

Less than the average weight for a standar brain of a woman




  1. There are two reasons why women have been described as having smaller brains (apart from the fact that it was usually men who were doing the describing).

    Women are generally smaller.  A smaller body requires a smaller brain to have the same degree of mental ability.  Also, women tend to live longer, and the brain shrinks a little during old age.

  2. Even though we have brains that are smaller by weight, we have a higher density of neurons than males do. Not only that, but a female's corpus callosum has far many more connections that link the hemispheres of the brain. That's why women think with the whole brain at once, but men switch between the two. Women tend to regain cognitive and linguistic abilities than men do after suffering a stroke, which has been proven in multiple scientific studies.

    The guy you're referring to may be Shockley, who was a scientist at UC Berkeley. He also said blacks are physiologically and mentally inferior to whites. His studies hve never been replicated, thus not proving his theories.

    Consider the source.

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