
Who saw The Factor tonight? How did I do with Obama?

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Was I fair or what?

Do you think my questions were legitimate?

The really tuff questions come later, you know, about BHO's controversial associations like Rev. Wright and John Ayers!

Let me know if learned anything about Obama....and your take on his performance!

Please opine if you've got the time...and No Bloviating, 'cause the Spin Stops Here!




  1. fair, not quite tough enough. Most people do blink when they lie.

  2. Junior Senator Barack Hussein Obama is what he is regardless of what the DemoMedia says, or people think. I actually liked Obama when he first started his run and admitted early on that he used marijuana. He sounded honest and truthful. Now, he is nothing more than a speaker box for the Democratic Party. I am disgusted enough already, there is nothing more I want to learn about him.

  3. barack was weak as usual.

    he sure blinks a lot when he's lying


  4. Barack faced Extreme right wing media outlet today, He is brave person, He was able to come out without any damage, Invite McCain to any extreme liberal media , See if he is going to accept it.

  5. Saw the show... He seemed to me, to be no different than when interviewed by others.  He takes a bit too long to think up his answers sometimes, which is a little scary.  It is disappointing to know we have to wait another 4 days for more of the interview.  Hopefully, as the interview progresses, he opens up more and stops "sighing" and "ahhing" so much.  Good going on getting him to appear on your show!

  6. Obama did his routine;

    Lie, cheat and smile.

    You did great as usual, but you were much too soft on him, he needs to be totally shamed into admitting he is incapable of being president.

    I wish you would ask him questions that would spin his head in every direction just like it did in the Exorcist.

    Please Bill, just for one night, let your show be the spin zone.

    Make him confess he is an arsonist playing with the fire department.

    Ask him questions even McCain doesn't know the answers to.

  7. Er, ah, hmmmm, umm...  Okay, I'll cut you some slack.  You did good and Obama can't admit when he's wrong.  That man lacks character.  End of report.  (And don't defend him or lose all faith).  

    Nuff bloviating from a devoted fan.  :)

  8. Obama looked like the chameleon puppet he is----unable to admit his mistakes.

    Now Bill ---You know I am one of your fans----but I do feel disappointed with your show----I wanted to hear about his involvement with The Nation of Islam and how they served him to gain first the Illinois senate seat---and then on to the U.S. senate.---also about him having attended a blame America first church with black-supremacy theology with  Rev. Wright--a church that endorsed Louis Farrakan with honor?----then William Ayers and Tony Rezko.

    Lets us know if you need anymore hard-ball questions----we do have many more where these came from.

  9. I missed it but please, please, please tell me you told him to "shut up" and at least once cut his mic!!!

  10. 1. You were more than fair.

    2. I learned nothing new about Obama.

    3. I am convinced this man Obama is not capable of telling the truth.

    4. Every word he spews is a lie. At first I thought he was a car sales man. Now after the last 18 months I'm convinced he is only a car salesman.

    5. What I don't get is how so many people have been fooled by this guy. There isn't a sincere bone in his body. He is a self serving, Self promoting bag wind. I'm convinced he would totally trash America if he was ever elected. I pray for voting day in America that obamites will come to their senses and vote for the only real presidential candidate in this election, John McCain. sarah Palin is what this country needs to get back on track and evict the Washington DC elites.  IT is no longer business as usual in the capitol.  

  11. L.O.L...

    YEAH  RITE....

    Bill, you play the middle sometimes.

    Really Bill, how much did you have to pay Obama for the hour.

    One mil $$,,,or two mil $$..??

  12. He sure looked sincere . But, how can you believe him when he says"we should destroy terrorists",when he has friends that are terrorists? I can't for the debates, so Dems can hear the real truth about their "savior" from McCain and Palin.

  13. Sorry Bill, you didn't do too well.  You even went as far as to say "Obama is not a whimp."  

  14. I thought it was good. Obama still got off the hook..saying it wasn't right to tell what his future plans for iran are.I think that is b.s. I was reallly afraid oreilly was gonna go to easy on him..if he did I would never watch the factor again,but I'm proud of Oreilly. Obama is so mild and smooth talking but Im really afraid of his intentions. I can't wait to see the questions about his communist and racist buddies.

  15. the questions were legit but you would not let obama answer without jumping on his time shut up billdo

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