He was on Charlie Rose last night.
Lovins has spent more time thinking about energy than any other human on the planet. He advises oil companies, and is friends with James Woolsey, the former Director of the CIA. (that was to keep the conservatives from reflexively hollering "Charlie Rose is a liberal!")
Highlights from the first few minutes:
There's no business case for drilling offshore, because exploration costs have gone up faster than oil prices, and offshore drilling is riskier and more expensive than onshore.
ANWR is a bad idea (Woolsey testified *against* ANWR for this reason) because the only way to get the oil from it is through the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, which Woolsey called "the world's largest 'kick me' sign for terrorists." It's already been the target of bombing attempts and has broken down a several times.
There's other stuff more acceptable to cons, but I'm out of letters.