
Who saw the Amory Lovins interview on solving the energy crisis, and what did you think?

by Guest62740  |  earlier

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He was on Charlie Rose last night.

Lovins has spent more time thinking about energy than any other human on the planet. He advises oil companies, and is friends with James Woolsey, the former Director of the CIA. (that was to keep the conservatives from reflexively hollering "Charlie Rose is a liberal!")

Highlights from the first few minutes:

There's no business case for drilling offshore, because exploration costs have gone up faster than oil prices, and offshore drilling is riskier and more expensive than onshore.

ANWR is a bad idea (Woolsey testified *against* ANWR for this reason) because the only way to get the oil from it is through the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, which Woolsey called "the world's largest 'kick me' sign for terrorists." It's already been the target of bombing attempts and has broken down a several times.

There's other stuff more acceptable to cons, but I'm out of letters.




  1. Excellent interview. There's no reason that a thinking person wouldn't listen to this man with an open mind. The answers are right there in that interview.


  2. This man is an anti technology Luddite of the first water. He is another of those crazy religious fanatics that want to go back to the dark ages. He is against anything and everything that will help solve our energy problems short term or long term. This man is deadly to the future of the nation and the human race, he is not stupid at all, he is evil, malicious and dedicated to taking the world back away from the edge of space to living in shacks again cooking with charcoal and lighting with candles. That is what his whole dissertation boiled down to.

    Technology is dangerous and we need to reduce our expectations to those sustainable with our existing resources. Straight out of the bible of the new Luddites the limits to growth published by the billionaires club of Rome!!

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