
Who saw the TV interview with John Kizon? He says he's a mate of Ben Cousins & Alan Didak .........?

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...............& they all associate with the local bikie gangs in WA. Cousins has started with his tatts already, in preparation for him & Michael Gardiner joining the Coffin Cheraters.

Is Didak a Cofin Cheater as well - or is he aligned to a Melbourne group?




  1. i have absolutely no idea and leave Alan Didak alone. he never did nethn to you.

  2. Nope. I missed it.

    When they talk about Didak being a sharp shooter, what are they referring to - kicking at goals or blazing away with a tommy gun?

  3. Kizon is not a bikie. He is a pathetic gangster who terrorises Perth and only 'friends' with those footy players because of what he could sell them. I used to work in the hippest club in Perth years ago and John Kizon, Craig Christian (the martial arts expert who slammed a skinny guy through a window in Leederville and killed him but got off 'self defence'), and the other chronies would swan around like they owned the place. Many mornings the staff were forced to stay indoors until it was safe because these gangsters were outside bashing our staff or smashing our cars up. Why? Because the 2 g*y owners of the club refused to let Kizon control the 'security' you draw your own conclusions as to why they would want to control the security of a big nightclub in Perth!

  4. I saw it and that Kizon guy looks like a dodgy used car salesman, with the ponytail.

    If he unties it, does it become a mullett?  Very booner style.

  5. I saw it.

    And I think that Alan Didak is the biggest crim playing AFL football. But as he plays for Collingwood everyone in Melbourne will cover up for him.

  6. I watched it.

    Now I'm just awaiting to see what tattoos they come out with. Cousins has shown his off.

    Plus every second Melbourne based footballer is sporting them nowdays......are they bikies, or wannabe bikies, as well?

  7. who are Coffin Cheraters

    no i didn't see it

    it must of been local Perth news

    we don't your news its 3hrs late

    wow Perth must be an exciting place

  8. No. Didn't see it.

    But I read an article in the newspaper today about Alan Didak. He doesn't have to give evidence in the courtcase because that bloke Hudson pleaded guilty to shooting from a revolver while driving about the streets of melbourne.

    Who was the police officer that believed Didak's story that he was too drunk to know what was going on? His uncle?

  9. benny boy was at the danny green fight with kizon hes been a mate for ages.  didnt see didak.  and i am pretty sure kizon was a butcher...there all mates..but who really cares

  10. Yeah I saw it.. Its pretty old news though, we always knew Ben was his mate and involved with Coffin Cheaters, along side Gardiner and Kerr..

    Didak has had associations with h***s angels in Melbourne, but his footy contract has some pretty strict regulations now..

    And Gardiner well havent heard much about him since Eagles sacked him Midway 2006 for smashing into a row of parked cars while drink driving..

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