
Who says "flip-flopping" in politics is a bad thing?

by  |  earlier

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take for example that HARVEY DENT guy, he was rather TWO-FACED on allot of topics, but he turned out alright... well, er, until that one FREAK ACCIDENT...





  1. cell phone latest news,ringtone

  2. None of us have an opinion and never change it.

    It's called growth and maturity.

    I would question a politician who never changed his mind about anything....I all that person BUSH.

  3. politician = flip flop

  4. You'd be flip-flopping, too, if half your face was burnt off. :)

  5. is it really a flip-flop when the conditions change and your position changes with it?

  6. crazy = retarded = flip flops = politics

    crazy = politics

  7. There is a difference between flip-flopping and changing your mind.  When a politician changes his/her mind clearly to gain voter approval it is flip-flopping.  Obama ran to the left to compete with Clinton.  Now he is running to the center to compete with McCain, that's a flip-flop.  When McCain was running against right wingers in the primary he ran to the right.  Now he is running to the center to compete with Obama, that is also a flip-flop.  How can we know what either would do as president?

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