
Who says that the Queen of England does not care? she does?How excited would you be to get a letter from her?

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got respond letter from the Buckingham Palace. Signed by the Queen of England. I wished her and her hubby Happy Anniversary and a Merry Christmas. How delightful, I will frame this letter for keep sake. Would you?




  1. How wonderful!  I am so happy for you!

  2. It would be a great honor indeed to receive a letter from Her Majesty.  I have a great deal of admiration for her.  Did you know that she was a truck driver and a mechanic during WW2?  She still is able to fix her own personal car in a pinch.

  3. I would love to get such a letter & you bet your bottom dollar I would have it framed nicely.

  4. Yes,No, Zilch


    Not a brown-nose

    No,.I would "return to sender"

  5. And You believe she wrote that herself

    They are massed produced

  6. I think thats lovely, she works hard and brings joy to so many, old people love her

  7. I would of flushed it down the toilet :)

  8. When I write my best-selling novel, I hope she (along with everyone else) is a fan.  Isn't a full-time staff kept busy responding to the public on behalf of Queen Elizabeth?

  9. Of course the Queen doesn't respond to every letter personally,she would be there all damned day.What company doesn't employ a secretary to answer letters?What movie star answers every letter personally?I really am surprised at some of the answers here.s*x & VIOLENCE,you look one cool dude,why spoil it?

  10. My daughter felt so excited and happy to get a letter from the Queen

    -SS (:-Smiling Star-:)

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