
Who says wee gordie is too serious????

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a few stories about him with reporters

reporter:gordon,can we have a quick word please

wgs:velocity(and walks off)

strachan on player augustine delgado when at southampton

reporter.augustine must be your priority today gordon

wgs:i have more pressing matter.i have a yoghurt that expires today.that is more important!!!!

reporter:gordon,there goes your unbeaten run

can u take it???

wgs:no i cant,im going home,become an alcoholic and jump off a cliff!!!!!

reporter:so gordon,in what areas do u think middlesborough were better than you today

wgs:mainly that big green area out there !!!!!!

gordon strachan on wayne rooney when he was 17

its an incredible rise to stardom and at 17,you r more likely to get a call from michael jackson than sve-goran eriksson!!!!!! ouch




  1. Is it a crime to have a sense of humour??

  2. me.the way he treats reporters who are just doing their job is an embarrassment to the club at times.their will be a lot of people he has treated like sh1te waiting with sharpened pencils to nail him if things turn sour at paradise,and i dont really blame them.of course there are some who deserve to be treated this way but not them all.

  3. Some crackers to shut up the eejit reporters. They don't half speak some shite!

  4. but none of that is funny though

    he mustve gone to the mark lawrenson school of wit

  5. I've met him on a few occasions and I can assure you he is funnier than those quips he lets go of to reporters.

    I love his banter with the gutter snipe press and Dave R you are wrong to say he embarrasses Celtic in the way he treats them, they have treated every manager with pure contempt since I can remember.

    No as I said I have been a Strachan fan for 3 years and it's just getting better all the time.

    When he said to the reporters at the end of the season he was going to celebrate with people who believed in him, he meant the likes of ME!!!!!

  6. my name is Gordie, bet no-one knew that.

    and even better, it is actually Gordie and not Gordon.

    now thats being serious....

  7. Yes people sometimes just can't see the funny side of W G S.

  8. There are some reporters he will have discussions with! Its the ones that ask daft questions and then twist his words the next day in the papers he has a problem with! At least he has the balls to say what he feels to these dimwits! He knows only too well that these guys would be out to get him if he were to fail like Walter Smith is! Its great having a manager like WGS that doesnt tell lies and leak stories all over the place. The players must know they can trust him and thats part of the reason they all want to stay at the best club in Scotland

  9. he makes me laugh...sorry but after the stick he has taken since he got the job..the press etc can kiss my ar5e, they have done nothing but badger him and twist his words.

    good on him for saying it how it is and long may he continue

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