
Who scrubbed Wikipedia's entry for Sarah Palin just before nom announcement?

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Who scrubbed Wikipedia's entry for Sarah Palin just before nom announcement?

Posted by Xeni Jardin, August 30, 2008 10:48 PM | permalink

Friday's edition of the NPR program All Things Considered included a piece by Yuki Noguchi on some suspicious whitewashing that went down in Sarah Palin's Wikipedia entry just before she was revealed as the GOP's candidate for vice-president. Snip:

Someone — and apparently it was just one person — felt like the existing biography wasn't appropriate for a vice-presidential candidate. On Friday, 15 minutes before the rumor that John McCain had picked Palin as his running mate, a Wikipedia editor discovered 30 mostly favorable changes had been made to the Alaska governor's profile.

She was called "a politician of eye-popping integrity" and sections on her participation in a beauty pageant and her alleged use of influence to get her former brother-in-law fired were diminished.

That user is one "Young Trigg." He or she was thanked and lauded by other Wikipedia editors for thoroughness, before questions of a possible conflict of interest emerged.

Brian Krebs at the Washington Post writes:

Perhaps more tellingly, some of the same users editing her page were almost simultaneously updating McCain's Wiki entry, adding information dealing with accuracy, sources and footnotes to each.

Palin's Wikipedia Entry Gets Overhaul (NPR)

Tug of war over Wiki entry on Palin (SJ Merc)

Wikipedia Edits Forecast Vice Presidential Picks (Washington Post)




  1. Yes we all know Wikipeidia is the most accurate information out their. h**l everything here on answers is always 100% right all of the time.


  2. Oh, come on.  It is politics.  Nothing is fair.  She still rocks.

  3. Do you really think Wikipedia is a reliable source of information as it is????

    McCain/Palin 08

  4. AWWWWWWW! How dull Answers would be without the conspiracy theorists and the rumor mongers. lol.  

  5. Oh good grief.  A link called boing ,boing. (rolls eyes)

  6. Do you seriously believe Obama's campaign didn't touch up Joe Biden's?

  7. Maybe its the same person who scrubbed obamas Page.

    I took a screenshot and saved it.

  8. Republican ethics at their finest

  9. Wiki is an Arab propaganda site.  You can tell because it's supposed to be facts but the Arabs put an "EDIT" button on each page and ANYONE can change it at will.  You can tell this by how many times the little liberal troll children on yahoo has changed it and the one main reason I NEVER use that site for anything I need facts on.  They are not reliable.  Only a fol believes that wiki site and I've seen a lot of liberal children on this board cut and paste from it all the time.

    I'm not a repub but it doesn't take a genus to see the truth with a little research and little liberal children are too lazy to do the research.

  10. I see that the republicans have no answer for this. They just blow it off. Just like Bush. A lot like McCain.  

  11. It must be a conspiracy of the highest level.  Perhaps we should impeach President Bush then investigate him.  :-O

    Wow, you are really reaching for this one, aren't you?  Is this how you spend your time?

    Get a life.

  12. I could honestly CARE LESS!

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