
Who seems more negative in the national conventions, Rep or Dems? Reps seem way more negative to me...?

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From, "Dig baby dig"..

To chanting "zero"...

To mocking "political organizer"

The Reps just seem to be mocking, laughing, enjoying being nasty.

I know we view the out group as more critical, but it seems the Dems were not as enjoying being nasty....

What do you think?




  1. I agree.  This is embarrassing.  I was a Republican for 33 an Independent.

  2. Republicans are always negative.  They are treasonous and greedy as well as nasty.

    Republicans made fun of John Kerry's military service by wearing purple band aids.  No one at the DNC wore fake POW clothes or made fun of Songbird McCain whose heroism consisted of colloborating with the Red Chinese Communists.

  3. It reminds me of Mean Girls.  

  4. I totally agree!!!  No one at the DNC acted like this.  I guess when you can't win on the issues, you stoop to insults.  And that cheap shot at Michelle was completely uncalled for, especially when you consider that Senator Obama asked his supporters to lay off family members.  It comes down to who has REAL class-Sen. Barack Obama!

  5. I agree, I'm almost shocked at just how downright nasty this convention has beem, It's horrible. The whole tone between the Rep and Dem conventions are like day and night.

  6. The reps seem alot more negative. They bash alot more. It seemed like the dems talked more about what their plans were and it seems like the rep are doing nothing but talking about the dems

  7. In all fairness, there have been a lot of protestors that have been doing stupid asinine things outside of the convention.  But they are not the ones who are running for office, instead we have seen the Republicans attack everyone from Hillary to Al Gore (who if I remember correctly, they are not in the running).   They have been extremely obnoxious and over the top with their comments.  I am not hearing anything about HOW they are going to improve things just that that ARE going to improve things and that we need to just take their word for it.  Just more of the same I am a Hockey mom and blah blah blah (well what do you want a freakin medal!?!? there are a lot of women in your shoes please stop telling us about how wonderful a mother you are and show us that you have the intelligence to be second in command .....  and how John McCain is a war hero - but we have KNOWN that please tell us something new?!?!?!

  8. Exactly I agree

    This convention is nothing like Obamas was

    They have to say nothing but bad things because they have nothing else to say

  9. Both.....

    It will only get worse as the time to vote gets closer...  They all say they will not be negative.. However it never lasts..

    Negative adds will be the same for both sides.. sad to say....

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