
Who sells sprinkler k***s? Look at the link =>?

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  1. Lowe's and/or Home Depot .......Just tell them you want Adjustable Bubblers for Hydrogen Generators HHO.They will cost from $5.00-20.00 depending on them design you want they carry......

  2. Well they do seem to be drip irrigation emitters that you may well be able to get at HomeDespot  or Lowes, but if you ask for HHO parts they will have no idea what you are asking for. For a bubbler you might consider an aquarium air stone from a pet store.

    BTW, I hear someone is selling them on Ebay  

    Of course you do know that you can't get any more power out of your HHO that you put in splitting the water in the first place, plus HHO is an explosive mixture.

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