
Who seriously comes up with an idea like the 9/11 plane crashes?

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Im not saying "omg that's tragic", which it was, but that's not my point....

It's just, who comes up with the idea of hijacking planes and using them to kill people..I just don't get it! Wouldn't it be easier to launch a missle or something?




  1. to understand your question, you have to think like the terrorists. It would be hard to bring a ground to air missle to the area of the Twin Towers. With a mind like Osama. he would think that a missle would not do enough dammage.

    With the planes that hit the twin towers, the fuel from the planes would keep burning.. It sound horrable, but it is the truth. but yet what do except from a mind of a mad man like Osama

  2. They're evil and insane.  There is no rational reason behind their thinking, other than to kill as many people they deem to be useless, sinful, and expendable.

  3. Because if you can use something that already exists, costs you nothing, and flies right by your target, why WOULDN'T you use it? A missile requires lots of specialized expertise, and are hard to obtain and costs millions of dollars, yet all it took was a few fanatical towelheads to take some easily obtained flight lessons ( they didn't even want to learn to LAND, or take off, just fly, so it should have been a warning bell, but it wasn't ), buy a flight ticket, and once on board, with enough manpower, they were able to overcome the crew, and do damage with 3 out of 4 jets. Thanks to some brave Americans on flight 93? out of PA, that one never made it to a target. It's part of the KISS principle. Keep It Simple Stupid. It's how guerilla warfare is fought, use the enemies weaknesses against them. We had open airline security, and it cost us. There are other easy ways to hurt citizens, from poisoning the water supplies, to other simple yet deadly attacks. Don't disparage the ingenuity of the enemy like that, it's a lot simpler to figure out a way to use some simple method, than concoct some elaborate scheme which has far greater chances of failure due to the complexity.  

    - The Gremlin Guy -

  4. Watch an internet documentary called 'Lose Change'. Like youtube it or summet. It will really make you think about who caused that.

  5. no it was easier to hi jack a plane bc a missile would most likely have been spotted and they already tried bombing the wtc in the early 90s so they chose a plane

  6. Peachy and Pilsman pretty much nailed it when they stated that they were desperate and irrational people.  

    True believers tend to be irrational fanatics with whom negotiation and dialogue are impossible. There is no common ground with such vermin. And as vermin they should be dealt with accordingly.

  7. Airplanes are full of jet fuel and innocents. Further, we can see missiles coming and shoot them down. But a plane gets hijacked and we can't tell until its too late.

  8. i'm going to get slaughtered for this, i just know i am, but those people though outside the box, no one was expecting it and that element of surprise and the timing was devastating, i'm not saying i support any of it, but from a terrorists perspective, it was well thought out.

  9. Crazy, sun-baked-brained idiots who think dying will get them 72 virgins in heaven.

    You can't even begin to rationalize with someone that would strap explosives around their chest and blow themselves up. That's why we are stuck over in Iraq. The leadership didn't realize we were going to be fighting a group of people that couldn't even qualify to be in the Special Olympics.

    They are mindless, brainwashed morons that follow any other moron with an unfounded objective and a gun.

  10. George Bush !

  11. Planes can be a amazing thing, but can also turn into gigantic bombs.

    Why do you think the terrorists chose the longest flight possible..........more fuel=bigger damage.

    I will give them one thing, they are not dumb, but their a punch of ****** and other things I cant say or else I'll get suspend.

  12. Mohammed and the Mother F--kers came up with the idea.

    Box cutters and a plane ticket are exponentially cheaper and easier to obtain than any kind of missile.

    May they burn in h**l for eternity!

  13. George Bush needed an excuse to go into Iraq..... 9/11 gave him a great excuse to wage war.. Think about it.. p.s. (your naive if you don't believe someone would do that to achieve thier own agenda)

  14. psychotic terrorists, apparently.

  15. 9/11 was a false flag. Our government is horribly corrupt and working toward a 1 world government.

  16. Osama

  17. Missles cost money and terrorist just dont have that and/or the capability to even make missles.

  18. There's a lot of theories on that. One that makes the most sense to a lot of people is the U.S. and Israel.

  19. Since this is a joint Bush-Sharon joint plot and since Sharon is in coma, you better ask Bush the reason why he had chosen this method to launch war on Afghanistan and later Iraq.

  20. s**+tbags kid, s**+tbags.

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