
Who serve the parents better? daughters or sons? why?

by  |  earlier

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please give me some reasons immediately.




  1. daughter. coz usually son follow his wife ( wife vs mother will never get along well )

  2. harsh is right

    yet, basically sons serve the parents better

    since its their duty

  3. daughters...

    they are lot better...

  4. both but daughters are a bit better.

  5. vell itx daughter..............:)

    u musht have heard dat proverb........dat says..-->

    a son is a son till he gets a wife..............but a daughter is a daughter ..all her life........!!

    diz suits in diz  :)

  6. It depends on whom the parents had doted earlier in their life.

    As you sow so will you reap.  But even then there are ungrateful children sans s*x difference.  I wonder why an immediate answer is asked for by you.  Are you a parent about to decide with whom you have to side with

  7. both cares for parents and serves parents... daughter always serve with feeling,and son with finance and feeling both. daughter goes at her home after her marriage and comes for some time.. so there she cant give attention to the parents that much. but a son has responsibilities of his parents for whole time and he also performs the same...

  8. Both! Usually the sons supports financially and the daughters are the one taking care of their parents needs like helping them at home going here and there making chores.

    Otherwise if they are bad parents or irresponsible children they just leave their oldies alone and doesn't care at all and sometimes they end up in the home for the aged.

  9. It may b a daughter or a son. in some cases aftr marriage sons get separate 4m their parents. even daughters r not so. actually it should b children honest & humbleness 2wards their parents. they should think abt &serve better. its the duty of both 2 care abt them.

  10. It is not a gender thing. Some people are nice to their parents, some are not. It depends on the individual and also the parents.

    Why is an immediate response required by the way?

  11. Who ever  knows the pain and suffering of parents, who have got them up whole through out their lives and given them wings of their own by sacrifycing their whole life. will surely respect and serve their parents.

    It looks like daughters in most cases take care of the parents, but sons also equally well take care of the parents.

    People in this world should know, how much effort their parents are under going to bring them up. Why are they taking pains all the day, just to see you happy and bring you good clothes and good life. Parents are the ones in the whole world, whom one should always respect and worship more than god. Because you dont know whether god exists or not, but parents are the one for your existence on earth today, and they are the sole reason for what ever you are today. With out parents there is nothing in this world. Who ever doesnt defer parents, he is going to end his life miserably, because parents are more than god!!

    Sons and daughters, in my opinion, should serve the parents till their existence on earth. In rare cases, where people are after money and lust for wealth are not taking care of their parents. But who ever has taken love from their parents as children, should multiply it and return it to them when they are old.

  12. sons... and daughters... both are humans... with all the worst and best qualities...

    it doesn't depend on gender...

    your integrity is important...

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