
Who sews clothes?

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Who sews clothes?




  1. A lawyer that knits.

  2. a tailor?

  3. I do.

    and a Seamstress will

    and a Tailor.

  4. i do

  5. i make alot of my own stuff.. i got the skill from my mom.. shes a seamstress :D

  6. PANCHO beat me to it a SEAMSTRESS

  7. Anyone can sew clothes.

  8. sara does

  9. A tailor,

    or a dressmaker,

    or a financially challenged sewer like me.

  10. i can but i usually just go buy them at a store.

  11. fashion designers

  12. I do"" i have to alway's sew i am very short so taking a hem is the norm for me''

  13. Elves wives. Don't you watch TV?

  14. not me. i buy them.

  15. Machines.  Very little is done by hand anymore.

  16. a clothes sewer!

  17. any person

  18. Hey baby I do, also tent. I learned early to repair my own clothes. I also can use a sewing machine. When I was on the circus I was ask if I new how to sew and I said yes. The next thing I know I an repairing tent and splicing rope. The tent has to go up for the show to go on.

  19. The seamstress.
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