
Who should I go to with my story

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I have had a bad experience with a large company (who will for now, remain nameless) I have been left out of pocket (due to a fault on their behalf) and after their last visit, was left with a gas leek caused by them. I have written countless letters to them, and today they said that they would compensate me by reducing my monthly payments to them, I told them that was unacceptable as I would not be using them again, I said that I would take my story to the National Papers (which I most certainly intend to do), so what I need to know is who are the best newspapers to contact?




  1. Count your letters and collect them.  

    Then contact your local consumer protection agency because this does not seem like an incident which might interest a national newspaper.

    From what you describe above, the situation seems more in need of mediation than coverage by a journalist.

    I hope this answer helps you, Miss Essex.  Good luck with your case.

  2. Hello Miss Essex.

    I know the Daily Mirror are always asking for story`s. They give a contact number I think its on the second page . Good luck

  3. Go to the local paper. And also have a lawyer draft a letter to the company stating your expectations on a resolution or else you will be seeking damages.  

  4. Go to the gas ombusman instead, this will get things sorted for you and you will get everything refunded.  And the company gets fined.

    (was it British Gas)

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