
Who should I hand my bouquet to?

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So, it's a long crappy story, but I'm not having any bridesmaids in my wedding, only my brother to stand up for me. Usually in the wedding, the bride hands her bouquet to the MOH or a bridesmaid to hold during the ceremony, but I know my brother does not want to stand there and hold it. So I am thinking I could hand it to my mother since she'll be in the front row, but I don't want it to be super awkward to hand it off and then get it back once we are done and walking back down the aisle. Thoughts or ideas?




  1. hi,

    well i think that by handing your mom the bouquet you are giving a very special part of your wedding. lets face it moms have been there for it all since we were all born, so  at they day of our wedding she just sits there and cry while the dad does the whole walk you down and dances with the bride.

    i gave my bouquet to my MOH but if i were to do it again i would hand it to my mom. if you are still not sure why not have one of those bouquets that look like a ball and that rest on your wrist?

    remember its your wedding and whatever you choose it should not please anyone except you and your fiance!

    have fun!!

  2. At a beach wedding, which is usually less cramped than a church wedding, the bride can always place her bouquet at her feet during the exchange of rings.  Speak with the coordinator the day before the wedding so he/she leaves enough room for you to lay your bouquet down.  Or when you & your Dad reach the top of the aisle, have your Mom stand to kiss you and casually pass off your bouquet to her then.

  3. To your mom. : )  or a BM, they are already standing there anyway.

    Good luck

    Ps/ I called "C" the dissapearing BM  for the last time last night, I left her a sweet message, but I'm taking off my website and replacing her. I'm done with her.

    PS2/ She JUST texted me. (go figure!) She says" I'm sorry for being such an ingrate, I'll call you when I get off from work". Hmm.... I wonder what she has to say..... I

  4. This is easy - you already know what to do!  On your way down the aisle, stop by your mom, give her a peck on the cheek and hand her your bouquet. On your way back up the aisle, stop by your mom, let her give you a peck on the cheek and she can give you the bouquet back. Lots of brides do a variation of this to hand the mothers a flower out of their bouquet so this little twist is just a little twist and will look very normal and sweet.

    Hope that's helpful!


  5. If someone is walking you down the isle you could hand it to them then they could hand it to your mother.  When you are done she can hand it back to you.

  6. hand it to dad after he give you away and he can hand it to mom

  7. I didn't have a moh either.  The pastor took mine from me and then gave it back at the right time.  You could have a small vase up front close to where you will be and just put it in that.

  8. Your mom is the perfect choice.  If your mom is helping "give you away" hand it to her then.  Otherwise, she can come up and get it.  I don't think anyone would think that's weird.  And at the end, after the vows, but before they pronounce you "man and wife" have a song.  During the song, give your mothers a rose and a hug.  Get your flowers back then.  It would flow well and not draw attention to your lack of bridesmaid.  

    Question: does your brother know how to fix your train?

    Your wedding sounds simple and lovely...and a little non-traditional, so ...

    I had another idea for you:  have a vase at the altar (or whatever you're having) and put your bouquet in that.  That way, it will be on display for everyone during the ceremony.  You spend money on the flowers, it seems a waste to hide them during the ceremony, right?

  9. Perhaps have your Mother stand up with you at the altar?  I've seen this done before... very sweet.

    The MOH also helps with fixing your train, your veil, etc.. things you can't see that need to be altered for the photographer, etc.

    And, also important, holds your future husband's ring.

    Remember, whatever you do... make sure it's right for YOU and YOUR FIANCE... not for anyone else.  Enjoy your day!

  10. Handing it to your mother is perfectly fine... i handed mine to my maid of honor..however after the ceremony i forgot to take it back lol!

    EDIT: Deanri I was sooo happy i had just been married that I just forgot friend came up and said "you look just as beautiful without your flowers " and she giggled and i realized OMG i left them..but it was all good! :)

  11. The only solution I can think of is to hand it to your brother, and then he could hand it to your mother to hold during the service. When the service is over your mother can hand it back to your brother for him to hand to you, or hand it to you as you turn to walk down the aisle.

  12. I don't think it would be akward to hand it off to your mom... People do different things at their weddings for different reasons and no one has to know why.  You and your mom could meet half way and she could give you a kiss on the cheek or something.. I think the guests will find it endearing... If you really don't like the idea, try seeing if you can get a small table or stand with a vase on it and place it in the vase while you are not holding it.   Good luck and whatever you do, do it cause YOU want to. ;)

  13. Maybe you could pass it to your brother, who passes it to your mother. But it may end up looking a bit weird, having a chain of people passing a bouquet around. Alternatively you could put it on a small table near to to were the bridesmaids would stand (but not in quite as prominent a position, maybe a little further back)

  14. Are you in a sanctuary where there will be an altar or communion table?

    If not, put one of those small round tables covered with a cloth near your officiant. & you can place it on that.


    When you get to the end of the aisle where your mom is sitting, you can hand it to her before proceeding & then retrieve it when you start back down the aisle.

    But if you want to hold your bouquet through some of the ceremony she can walk up & get it & then you can get it from her it on the way back down the aisle.

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