
Who should I pitch my idea for a new boardgame to?

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I'm making a new boardgame, the likes of which have never been created. I'm wondering to who and how I should present this idea?

In other words...what companies would be interested in hearing my idea through?




  1. First off, go to the Board Game Designers Forum and read their posts. You won't find a better resource on the web for board game design than BGDF.

    There are many companies that are around besides the big ones. There's Valley Games, Fantasy Flight Games, and many many more, so choose the one that is right for your game.

    Also, register at because they have the largest database of board games that you can search to see if your idea has been done before.

    Good luck.

  2. why not go for the big dogs at Milton Bradley , Parker Bros or mattell? im sure you could find some info via the net on either of them.

  3. First of all, I would be willing to bet that others have thought of your game, and the idea never caught on, which is why you think it's so unique. Not trying to be mean, but please take a look at your idea again, and ask yourself why a game such as yours doesn't already exist. There are very few new ideas in games and the like, most ideas are rehashed old ideas.

    That said, contact the makers of other games that are like yours. Going to an independent label, might be more lucrative than going to the big companies who have so many ideas coming in every year, and only enough resources to launch one or two a year.

    Good luck.

  4. no one wants to hear it

  5. First off DO NOT listen to NS's answer.. there are new ideas everyday. and yes MB, Mattel etc.. or go to your local toy store and write down the board game companies that will best fit your genre and approach them.

    And once again DO NOT ever listen to people like NS who is apparently a very negative person. You can do anything you set your mind out to do. I was brought up a very poor person from the ghetto and am now extremly wealthy because I never paid any attention to people like that.

    As far as a presention, just make a very short but detailed essay about the subject, styling and the basic rules of the game.

    You can start with an introduction of yourself and your product

    What you estimate the cost of production to be. You can base this on one unit and the type of material used, if you're not sure what your material cost is do your research on the net. You can also research the cost of manufactering your product by seeing how much it cost to produce a product that is already similar to yours.

    (You can also base your sales profit projection on this cost.)

    Ok, then you would want to know how many people would want to buy your product, so, you base this on your age demographics per capita and split that ratio by the type of genre the game is...

    Example: if it is to be sold to kids 13-18 but only girls, you would do a demographic search in your area and find that qoutant.

    OK.. let's say that your product will cost 2.00 to produce and distribute and you can sell your product for 20.00 the manufacture has made 18.00. Pitch that to them, but most companies will only pay you a percent so I would take the largest percent that you are offered and go with it.

    One more thing, it is always wise to pitch your idea to more than one company for several reasons, one is that you can get better offers, two would be that if it is truely a great idea they will know that other people know of your idea and it keeps them from stealing your product!!

    Good Luck!

    I know I rambled but what the heck.. I hope it helps. If you need more info or help just let me know.

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