
Who should I write to about switching to biodiesel fuels?

by  |  earlier

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I was thinking of writing to nascar, but i'd need a petition with like hundreds of thousands of names on it to do so. I was thinking of like a rally car racing thing, but like a small, statewide thing. any suggestions?




  1. Bio-diesel is a will-o'-the-wisp.  It takes more energy to produce it than it can deliver, so it must be sustained and supplemented by petroleum products.  Neither does it burn any cleaner than diesel made from petroleum.  Furthermore, no one seems to have considered the damage to the land and environment caused by producing it, and the loss of food production acreages.

    My suggestion is to begin advocating and encouraging research into controlled nuclear fusion.  That isn't a cure-all, either, but it will last longer than any other energy source, with less pollution.

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