
Who should I write to complain about high fuel prices? I want my voice to be heard.?

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Who should I write to complain about high fuel prices? I want my voice to be heard.?




  1. Who are you going to complain too. Its free market we have bought stuff from china for years and they are using that money to buy cars and build a highway system that matches are own. The more drivers the more demand on the remaining oil the price goes up. its called supply and demand.

  2. your governor

  3. No-one.

    Millions of people have written complaints about this, so adding your written complaint to the pile, means your letter will be treated like junk mail ... throw it in the trash.

    You need to find a different way to get your voice heard constructively.

    If you want to do something constructive about the overall problem then I suggest:

    * Contact your local newspaper ... suggest they have a focus day where the topic is what to do about the rising fuel prices ... maybe your voice will be one that gets read.

    * Contact your local university ... ask if they have classes workshops, willing to help organize one, to exlore how to solve the rising fuel costs.  You need to be prepared to contribute your time and money to make this happen.

    * You visit your elected representatives IN PERSON .. be prepared to sit in their waiting office for DAYS if neccessary, until they listen to you.

    * Educate yourself as to the causes of the price going up, and the practical alternatives, so that you can be part of the solution, instead of part of the junk mail.

    This topic is not a simple solution, where electing a particular person, or buying only from one brand name, or not buying on some day of the week, will make a bit of differennce.  Study alternative sources.

    I heard Greenspan say that if we went totally to biofuels, the farm animals would go hungry.  Was he making a joke, or is that correct math?

  4. Sorry, no matter who you write to, you voice will never be heard.  

    Here are my suggestions regarding the high cost of fuel.  

    Only purchase from the station offering the lowest prices.  Reduce your consumption of fuel.  This can be achieved thru various means.  Reduce your miles driven, reduce your speed which impacts your miles to a gallon of fuel.  Purchase a vehicle that has a higher mph rating.  Do you have a motorcycle available to ride?  Cycles usually get better mph than cars.  Consider riding a bicycle or walking when ever possible.  If you are really focussed on reducing your fuel purchases, look into the various means of producing bio-fuel.  This is especially true if you are driving a diesel power car or truck.  I read that during the first eight weeks of this year fuel consumption was down 1% compared to last year here in the US.  I see this as a good trend.  Also a note to all drivers, as the weather grows warmer.  There will be more and more motorcycles and bicycles on the road.  Please remember, many of us cyclists are just riding to and from work or running errands and reducing our fuel consumption.  A true defensive driver needs to be on the lookout for anything and everything.  

    Please just give us a little bit of extra room and extend a little driving courtesy.

  5. Sorry to tell you this but the U.S. government don't care about the people. Look into the "New world order" to find out why. Goodby freedom.

  6. Nobody will listen!

    You can thank either NIxon or Reagan for this!

    One of them de-regulated the oil prices in the U.S. and gas has been going up ever since.

    In Saudi Arabia they pay only 76 cents a gallon for gas, and in Brazil it is 12 cents.

    That is why the oil companies and the Bush's are so happy and making millions of dollars per  yearly quarter!

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