
Who should Sven Goran Eriksson elect to be his starting goalkeeper?

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I think after Eriksoon watched Sunday's game between America and Santos, he pretty much has made up his mind.




  1. Ofcourse it will be Paco Memo Ochoa.

    He did better than Oswaldo, and he made "atajadas" that were just amazing!

    Plus why wouldnt you think he could the starter if he is again the fifa 09 cover. lol..Ochoa rocks!

  2. i think ochoa cuz he is the best keeper in mexico....

    and yeah oswaldo has experienced but he is already past his prime so hopefully eriksson sees that

  3. Everybody please ignore that r****d above me

  4. el santo

  5. I have nuthin against oswaldo he is goin 2 go down as one of the best in mexican history but he is well past his prime ..on the other hand memo is still yet 2 hit his prime and he is dominating oswaldo should definitly be taken 2 the world cup as memos backup as for memos should lisen 2 oswaldo im sure oswaldo kan help out memo 2 grow and get better....we have the same situation we had in the 2002 world cup  wen oswaldo was the young one and backing up el conejo perez who at the time was the veteran dis time memo should be gettin the shot and oswaldo should be there for moral support

  6. Ochoa with out a doubt!!! Sanchez has been a good goalkeeper for a long time, but it seems to me that he tends to make a save look tougher than it is, therefore making errors in calculating the save. I also think that he likes to showoff to the camera. I look for Mitchel from Chivas to be the second choice goalkeeper. It would be tough to get a goal past these two goalkeepers.

  7. I go for Chivas, but I believe Memo Ochoa is the best goalkeeper in Mexico right now and probably the best option for el Tri.

  8. Ochoa, Oswaldo's time is up in el Tri.

  9. ochoa bcuz oswaldo cant make the saves he used to. even though i go for santos i think ochoa should start and maybe have michel or oswaldo as subs

  10. Okay... let me tell you how this work. Mexico has two days before to learn Eriksson's style before the game against Honduras. Think of the present not the future... Future belongs to Ochoa, Orozco, Yozgart, Corona, Arias, etc... but think about it. Can players with such young age and barely learning dicipline learn it in two days? That's why for the games against Honduras, Oswaldo should start. Keyword is those games since Mexico won't have much time to learn Eriksson's plans competely so the players like Pavel, Osorio, Marquez, Salcido, etc... should be given that as a safe bet to pass the round. That gives more chance to Mexico advancing and not end up like Hugo Sanchez' fracaso for el Pre-Olimpico. After that, be smart... Give Ochoa his playing time that he is showing he disirves, but have system in which not just be biased with certain players like Hugo was with Nery. Have a back-up. See where im going with this? Think outside the box with this people.

    Also, with goalies, age doesn't matter. The older the better. If they give it their all, then a 37 year old goalie like Van der Sar is way better than 23 year old like Ochoa... that's a fact.

  11. i am sure it will be Fransisco Guillermo Ochoa magan. He is an excellent keeper. he has some of the quickest reflexes i have ever seen for a keeper his age. oswaldo is no competion for him. IDK how he even went pro. honestly =p

  12. It doesn't matter the Americans will put goals past whoever it is!

  13. It doesn't matter who is the goalie.  Honduras, Canada, and Jamaica will destroy Mexico.

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