
Who should be an indian? What is the pride of india?If all people o f the world eat veg where we keep animals?

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Who should be an indian? What is the pride of india?If all people o f the world eat veg where we keep animals?




  1. Hi, very thought provoking question, you have asked.

    An Indian is a person who loves India, whether he live in or out of India, because it is the culture of India that we change ourself according to time.  

    First there were Indus Valley civilization, then Aryan community came, then  came Muslim Intruders and after them came European. All of them become the part of India except the European people.  People from other countries came and lived here because they loved India as much as a true Indian could.  Make India more rich in culture.

    We can't discard anybody from India on the name of our culture.

    What is pride of India       -       there are so many things, on whch Indians feel proud of.  

    1.   Culture of Indai

    2.   Historical monument,

    3.   Texts of India which show how much Indians knew  the subject with scientific point of view,  

    4.   The people of India, also make every Indian feel proud

    If all people will eat veg. then there will be no need to increase poltury production and fish production.  We are killing so many animal, they become extinct.  

    Actually, this earth is belong to plants and insects and other small creatures, who can produce their food from sunlight or from the dead body of other.  By this way, they are making ecological more balanced.  But human being only creates problem  because of these problem all other spieces have to suffer.  Other spieces only follow  the mantra of "fittest willl survive".   Human being is physically weakest creature but by his mental power he became boss of this world.  He has become danger to so many spieces that we don't have to care about the numbers of the animal.  It's already under human control.  

    Let's try to be more human by giving up the habit to kill others creature of this planet.

  2. Who's doing what now, sorry?

  3. Your question is sporadic and hard to put together with any form of sanity a.k.a bad english

  4. An Indian is he/she that is either born here in India or born of people of Indian origin holding Indian passports, or any individual who swears allegiance to India and upholds his/her oath.

    The pride of India is her people, no monument man-made can be considered to be a nations pride because it is perishable and something which is perishable cannot be given that status of a nations pride.

    Vegetarianism is more a result of geographical influence than anything else. If we consider all the country's that are predominantly Veg we will notice that those country's do not have a flourishing agricultural heritage. Obviously we will not consider country's like Australia, New Zealand and the US because these country's are less than 500 years old.  

    The pertinent question where do we keep the animals will have to be addressed by scientifically keeping the Veg animal population down,  Because just as we would need to eat vegetarian food so would these animals for one, for two since it is natural to breed the animals will breed and encroach on the space that would be otherwise allocated to grow more food.

    We would also have to completely eliminate the carnivorous animals because they too would be taking other animals lives by being carnivorous. One law for all. If Man infringes on the rights of animals by making a meal out of them so do animals.

  5. I will answer only the last part of your question. i.e. if all people of the world become vegetarians, all the animals can be used as the manure for plants & tree as we now are using plants & trees to feed animals.

    Got it?

  6. An Indian is not the one who is either born in India or who settles in India. He must be the one who lives for India and who works for India.

  7. Unity in diversity and diversity in Unity.  The administration was one for all and all for one.  This had created a great culture and civilization and those who are proud of this civilization are the Indian.  A true Indian believes that the whole Universe is a single province and each and everything and everyone are related to each other and one another.  While the earth is just floating in the Universe, an Indian like to maintain it for existence of the human beings for ever without destruction or damage.  This is the essence of the Indian culture.  The true Indian lives for millions of years - since the birth of human beings on the earth till the end of the human beings.  He doesn't bother about the life of earth or life of universe or other planets, but only for the human dominant on earth with all the living beings as it is.  All creations of God has to be safe and secure on this earth, for the welfare aspect.  All the trees, birds, animals of herbivores or carnivores - and so on, all should be living happily on earth as if one siblings and this is what an Indian desires and ever desired.  For an Indian, India is the meaning of the Universe.  Even before the advent of religions on earth, there was a proud civilization in India, mingled with every living beings together and later the Society assigned certain jobs to certain people and they have been named like Doctors, Engineers, Merchants, Service-oriented and again among them carpenters and masons but the children of evils mis-interpretted it (as if Doctor should not be touched by an Engineer as he is great in society and so on), but in a different language and the wordings were - which all were long after mis-used by the later generations, the children of the great Rishis and Emperors - to equate themseles with the quadrupes who enjoy the cheap momantary pleasures and the wealth was wasted - the production of the country was wasted due to the temporary power in hands.  To an end of such tyranny, the democracy was formed in India.  The true democracy was there in India  when the King lived for the people and the people lived for the king - They  lived happily and in extreme equality by sharing the national treasury to the needy and deserving.  All other slanders were of the selfish ignorance of the generations.  I am still hopeful,  we have the choice for a better world in our surroundings.  Just maintain the world where your senses would reach in stead of the places shown in a map or news media.  The place where I can see, hear, touch, smell is my world and each individual try for making his world a beautiful one, this Universe would be the  nicest  place.

  8. even osama can be a indian so there is no clause who can be and who can't be a indian.

    the pride of india is how we respect our elders and our non-violence nature towards nature,humans and animal.and also our achievements in software and apparel.  

    stop their reproduction without stopping them form having s*x.

  9. who follow the culture of india, and have lovengly nature about all  

    think in that world.because india give the message of love and peace.some one who think india and can do enything for it pride.who we r to keep some one in that world it in the hand of god. if all people become vegeterians, then no one will raise chicken or animals for slaughter. Nature will balance it out.

    All animals want to live & all animals belong to God.

  10. any living creature on this earth can be indian.

    indias pride is in its diversity and unity

    animals were never meant for slaughter, so we need not worry about them. be veggie-be healthy.

  11. One who does not think  that India is inferior to any western countries.

    Be a proud indian, share the joys and sorrows here.. set right things here, prevent corruption, be brave, do not go for materialistic happinesses, do not think of status quotients in your lifestyle, and more importantly "LIVE FOR YOUR PEOPLE - Your fellow indians" ....  you will be then called a "TRUE INDIAN"....

    Do not make fuss about unnecessary matters. Voluntarily help someone in need, have civic sense, do not ignore anybody in despair on a road, STOP COMPLAINING and dont give importance to going abroad...  you will then be called an "Ideal citizen of India".. And most importantly spread the same message to all your acquaintances.. that will make things better..

    Any more explanation you require??

  12. The problem " where to keep the animals" will not be that big as the problem from where to bring so much of veggies to feed all, will be.

  13. Even today we should proud to become Indians, the land of greatest human greatness exploted and has the capacity to emerge as knowledge centre to the entire world. The world has no way to survive but to follow Indian way, for which we Indians should develop faith first.

  14. the person who followed the vedic punch line "Ahm Nijh paroveti gadna laghu chetsam, Udar charitanam tu vasudhev kutumbakam" is true Indian. the pride of India is its culture, where everybody has freedom to live as he wants. here there is no history to punish the person who come with new Idea. If Mohd. Saheb or christ, or gallilio were in India they will be appreciated for there views.

    there is law of survival of fitest. nature has its own way to control every componant of the Ecosystem.

  15. Who address India as mera India or apna India, not only India and who uses capital 'I' while writing INDIA.

    Indians are the pride of India

    I dont know about all the animals but me & my family will our best to balance their numbers. Or may be all the animals will die due to unavailability of foods.

  16. Any one born in India and who wish to call himself an Indian can be an Indian.

    Our culture and civilization is a continuous stretch for over 5000 years. There were other great civilizations which are dead now like sumerian, egyptian, greeks and so on. Only other race and culture which is some what purer like ours is Chinese with a 6000 years antiquity remarkably. Inspite of numerous invasions we still remain intact as a nation traditionally and culturally. We need not have to liberate ourselves, for the very nature of civilization is such that it has adjusted whenever required, therefore, it still exists.

    I do not think your third question is a perfect possibility. The recent biological trends are that we have started investing in "chimerical innovations". Therefore, one day even if we stop meat eating we would still depend on animal products such as liver, heart, kidneys may be more such to replace the damaged human parts.

  17. The greatness of India is it has produced so many great rishis & saints & Yoga.

    If all people become vegeterians, then no one will raise chicken or animals for slaughter. Nature will balance it out.

    All animals want to live & all animals belong to God

    They do not willingly become our food. Even abroad the world is turning to vegeterianism & yoga.

  18. All good natured people be indian.


    Please ask Mr. Togadia....

  19. Animals are bred by human being for their own eating as food. If that is stopped, the numbers will automaticall go down as such that is not an issue. It is the thought of us which need to be polished and corrected.

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