
Who should be held more responsible, Volunteer or employee?

by  |  earlier

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An emplyee work for the remunartaion and performs his duties, a volunteer work for betterment of society, organisation and he should be vigil, Is he not more resposible for any irregularity....




  1. Definitely the employee.  They are paid servents and help to a higher standard.

  2. Neither is more responsible than the other. They should both be held accountable for their work -- whether or not they are being paid should not be a factor.

  3. My answer to you question would be, both Employee and Volunteer  are equally responsible for any irregularities

      *  To respect the values and aims of the organization

        * To be committed

        * To be reliable and give the organization sufficient warning if unable to turn up

        * To be punctual

        * To attend essential training and support sessions

        * To undertake their work to a high standard

        * To be honest if there are problems

        * To respect confidentiality

        * To leave when asked and/or when no longer enjoying the  experience

  4. Volunteer

  5. A volunteer is someone who works for free for a community or for the benefit of natural environment primarily because they choose to do so. The word comes from Latin, and can be translated as "will" (as in doing something out of ones own free will). Many serve through a non-profit organization – sometimes referred to as formal volunteering, but a significant number also serve less formally, either individually or as part of a group.

    By definition, a volunteer worker does not get paid or receive compensation for services rendered other than reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses

    An employee contributes labour and expertise to an endeavour. Employees perform the discrete activity of economic production. Of the three factors of production, employees usually provide the labour.

    Specifically, an employee is any person hired by an employer to do a specific "job". In most modern economies the term employee refers to a specific defined relationship between an individual and a corporation, which differs from those of customer, or client. Most individuals attain the status of employee after a thorough process of interviews with several departments within a company. If the individual is determined to be a satisfactory fit for the position, he is given an official offer of employment within that company for a defined starting salary and position. This individual then has all the rights and privileges of an employee, which may include medical benefits and vacation days. The relationship between a corporation and its employees is usually handled through the human resources department, which handles the incorporation of new hires, and the disbursement of any benefits which the employee may be entitled, or any grievances that employee may have. An offer of employment, however, does not guarantee employment for any length of time and each party may terminate the relationship at any time.

    As per my view, for the smooth run and betterment both are equally important........

  6. Both.   Employee and Volunteer are equally responsible for any irregularities

  7. None. Normally volunteer in religion work with heart. Employees work with heart attack.

  8. My answer would be the volunteer.

  9. Who should be more responsible - Volunteer

    Who should be HELD responsible - Employee

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