
Who should be our president?

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I want lots of opinions, so who do YOU think should be our president?




  1. Before all of you middle of the roaders say Obama- check out the CNN piece on the taxes he proposes. Kiss retirement goodbye.

    1. Profit on homes taxed 28%

    2. New taxes on 401k, IRA etc 38%

    3. New taxes on home over 2400 sq ft

    4. Hight inheritance taxes

    We are not talking about soak the rich here people- this guy is a flaming marxist-

  2. Nerf Hofflemier

  3. Obama!!!!!!!!!

  4. Barak Obama

  5. Have you ever thought of nominating someone who is a scientist, a writer, a philosopher or so, outside of the usual political spectrum for president?

    When this nation began, statesmen were scientists like Benjamin Franklin and architects like Thomas Jefferson. today it's unthinkable that say a Nobel Prize winner will become president.

  6. I like Both of them :]

  7. Obama!

  8. McCain

  9. Some one else than bush that´s for sure

  10. Obama

    McCain is Physco

  11. Ron Paul. He is the only person who ran in the 2008 primary election who has a remote clue about what the United States Constitution is all about.

  12. Honestly I don't think anyone from the two political parties should be considered, too much corruption. We need someone who doesn't belong to the major corporations and special interest groups. I don't know who that person would be. But, it is time for us to readjust the way we pick the candidates.

  13. C . RICE

  14. I feel as i have always felt that the current state of control is like a stitch in a well worn baseball, the pitcher wont make it to the 9th inning and a change is in order and that's why i wont vote for McCain

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