
Who should be president?

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Who should be president?




  1. Obama.

  2. Regardless of who will be the next president, good or bad, he or she is not the reason why the way things will be, or have been.  Congress (Senate/House) has direct conrol by writing bills to make postive changes, not the president. The president either pass or veto the bill. The next time you want to point figures, take a look at our CONGRESS. Democrats and Republicans will disagree to disagree, always complaining about something and nothing ever gets done. Read what your Congressman or Senator has done, what he/she voted for, what issues were adressed by going to their home page.

    GO TO>>> House of Representatives Home Page >>>OR >>> Senators' Home Pages

    If CONGRESS is working for us, the people.  It is obvious they're not contributing in helping U.S citizens, and they have their own hidden agendas.  Then, who do they work for?

    In addition, it is interesting to know what the U.S government is composed of.  There are three branches of government that are suppose to make "checks and balances of one another.  1). Executive 2). Judicial and 3). Legistlative.  Learning what branch is responsible for certain issues that are all very important.  Also, when voting for president the "electorial college" is the deciding factor of who wins, not the unanimous votes by the people.  

    OUR Freedoms are on the line here.  WE all need to get in touch with what is actually happening in Washington D.C., and become part of a solution!!!  Get involved!!!  Politics have to stop, we are all "Americans".

  3. Obama

  4. McCain

  5. Me.

  6. It should be McCain.

    However with the way people have been blinded by his "Change" idea it might be Obama.

  7. i say Obama

  8. McCain.  He has more experience.

  9. mccain becuase if obama wins gas prices will go up

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