My cousin asked a question on Yahoo! Answers about me. Can you guys read it and listen to MY side of the story too?;_ylt=ApIais5X7yv11Ia8IixofK3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080828174936AAomefJ
Ok, so I asked some questions on Yahoo! Answers, and they're about my friends. My cousin is really close to me, and I tell her a lot of things, but not EVERYTHING. So she answered my question, and the way she worded it and said it seemed like she knew everything about the situation. But I know she didn't. She's 2 years older than me, and she treats me like I'm her 5 year old kid. It's really frusterating. When I want her to answer my questions, I don't want her to take my side, or take anyone's side, which she says she doesn't but it seems like she does. She's never met any of my friends in person, she only e-mails and IM's them. So why does she think she knows everything about my life?
Who should get mad? Me or her?
Honest answers please!