
Who should i drop to add micheal turner running back for atl?

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Jonathan Stewart RB Carolina

Bernard Berrian WR Minnesota

Owen Daniels TE Texans

Vince Young QB TITANS

Derrick Mason WR Ravens

Ted Ginn Jr. WR Miami

or should i not add him




  1. out of all of those I think you should drop Derrick Mason because with a young QB (Troy Smith) they are going to run a lot this year and he will rely on Todd Heap the tight end when he does throw the ball

  2. Derrick Mason definitely

  3. My first thought would be to drop Mason. He hasn't been consistently productive, and the QB situation in Baltimore isn't ideal.

  4. jonathan stewert - he isnt even starting

  5. Mason

  6. Turner is unproven as the number 1 back but at a team with a young qb (Ryan) Smith will want Turner and Norwood to run the ball a,lot to take the pressure off the passing game- so I think he's probably under-rated as a fantasy runner for those reasons.

    Looking at that list I would say either Daniels or Mason.  I say mason as either Smith, Boller or Flacco really aren't strong Qb's for this year, McGahee will their main offence weapon - with Heap the Bail out.  And i say Daniels as Schaub is a little more established and has a number of up-field targets to spread the defence and is more likely to progress through his reads than go to his dump off (TE)

  7. drop vince young  if he isn't your starting qb.  He only had 9 td's last year and so far this preseason has played like dog c**p

    if you have two def's, two te's, or two kickers, drop one of them

    i only carry one def, one te, and one kicke,r on my teams this gives me a chance to pick up secondary players such as chuck taylor(MINN)  

  8. turner will put up better numbers than every player you have listed combined. drop any one of these guys right now.  

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