
Who should i go to for this?

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i want to talk to my late grandmother who passed away nearly 3-1/2 years ago. I have to talk to her so much about all that happened after she passed away. also, i want to tell her how much i miss her. can anyone help me there?




  1. I feel your longing for her. I truly do. Not a day goes by that I do not reflect the same longing. I grieve with you, but you must know she has gone. Understand that. Speak to her to purge the feelings you have. I do. But be real honey. It is not healthy to mourn on & on.

    The world does not stop for any of us.

    I will be thinking of you. I feel the same as you do dear.

  2. Yes.  Go to your grandmother's grave and talk to her.

  3. Lisa Williams comes to mind.. however, she's in California.  I'm not sure where you're located, but she is superb.  A medium is who you want to seek.

  4. You do need to talk to a mental health professional.

    $.05 please

  5. Most Catholics believe that prayer, as a form of "spiritual e-mail," is a good way to contact your deceased relatives.

    It also doesn't hurt to visit her grave and talk to her there.  I'm sure wherever she is, she's listening for whatever you have to say. :)

  6. It's to late now. That why it is important to say all we need to say to our loved ones while they are alive.

  7. I'm sorry there is no way to contact the dead.  They are no more.

    There are many many hucksters out there who will seperate you from your money though if you wish to try them.  They go by the title "mediums" or "psychics" mostly.

  8. There are many people who are very skilled at taking your money and making you think you really talked to your grandmother.

    Do some research on "cold reading".  It's the technique these evil people use to fool people.

  9. so you want to sin and go to a psysic ????? Uhhhh go talk to God and he will help you see the truth.

  10. acceptance is a beautiful thing. you might try it

  11. It's too late for that now.  I would not go to a medium if I were you.  You could talk to God about it.  But the Bible says generally that the spirits of the deceased stop thinking about and concerning themselves with the things on earth.

    If it would make you feel better to write it in a journal or a letter (you couldn't mail it), you could do that.  But it would only be therapy for you.  I would not recommend trying to contact your late grandmother.  I identify with that kind of "missing" someone, but it passes with time.  God knows.  Ask Him for comfort and He'll give it to you.

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