
Who should liberal/moderate women vote for?

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  1. The same as any liberal/moderate man...Obama/Biden.  Why would a liberal or Democrat vote for McCain...because he has a woman VP - HAHA

  2. Obama/Biden.   We need real change.

  3. Ron Paul!

  4. I think each woman will vote according to their own convictions.  If they want equal pay, better education for their children, the right to choose , save return for our troops better health insurance for all americans, jobs (good pay jobs) etc etc.  I think you know the answer.  

  5. Whichever candidate best embodies your personal beliefs.  

    Personally, I'm voting for McCain, but that's because I feel he best represents me.  Sure, I don't agree with everything he and Palin believe.  On the other hand, I'm not into socialist ideals, so Obama isn't a choice for me.  

  6. in my mind there is only one team that is qualified for the job..

    everyone short of anarchists should vote McCain/Palin

  7. McCain/Palin.  Time to send a message to the males of the DNC. And time for real Change!!  Obama and Biden are just more of the same. McCain is the real change. Yes, he is a Republican and some of us hate Republicans, but he is not your fathers (mothers) Republican, he is a new type of Republican. Obama is just the poster child for the corrupt political machine that has always been there. And I say this as a Democrat. Lieberman spoke the truth. He committed suicide by doing so. Don't let his sacrifice be in vain.

    I am pro-choice too. But I don't think the country will ever allow us to go back to the dark ages of 40 years ago. There is no reason to base your vote on this issue. No reason to fear. That is what the Obama group wants you to do, they want women to be afraid. They think that they can control us with fear. Have no fear! Vote for McCain/Palin.

  8. Well let's see.....

    McCain and Palin want to take away a woman's right to choose, even in the case of rape and incest.

    McCain wants to do away with public schools by reducing their funding even more under the guise of giving parents "a choice".  

    Meaning, make the public funding obsolete so there is no choice, everyone will have to either PAY for private school or get no education.  Wow, what equal opportunity, we'll have to save for grade school the way we do for college now.

    Palin wants to ban "offensive" books from our libraries and teach ONLY abstinence education (because it worked so well for her daughter).  

    They keep advocating smaller government, but when there is less regulation from government that's merely redistributing the power into the hands of the wealthy and big business.  

    Sure, make the huge tax cuts permanent for the huge corporations.  We all know how generous these wealthy executives are.  

    With all that extra money I'm sure they will stop outsourcing jobs for cheap labor and raise workers wagers.  Oh wait a minute, Bush has been giving them the SAME tax cuts McCain proposes the past 8 years and it DIDN'T stop them.  

    I'm a moral woman who believes in equal opportunity and a government that's there to serve me at home and not just fight wars on my behalf.

    I'm voting for Obama/Biden.  

    And when the h**l is Church and State going to FINALLY be separate.  That's a criticism I have for BOTH parties.  It's one of the first things our founding fathers advocated.

  9. Vote for the ticket that has bucked it's own party numerous times.

    Vote for the ticket that wants to reform and shrink government.

    Vote for the ticket that has a record of bi-partisanship.

    Vote for the ticket that has actually passed legislation and held executive offices.

    That's why I'm voting John McCain and Sarah Palin.

  10. Well I have morals I want to be upheld so McCain is the one for me : )

  11. McCain/Palin

  12. Palin said if her daughter were raped, she would want her daughter to keep any resulting babies. See link!

    Her daughter was 14 at the time.

    How can any moderate support that?  

  13. That's like asking within which freezer should an ice cube reside.

    All women should vote for the team they've fully vetted and is the one that will represent most of what each of them wish.  

    Shouldn't be limited to merely liberal/moderates.

    Obama/Biden! '08

  14. Whoever they believe is putting the country in the right direction.

  15. Obama.

    The McCain/Palin ticket has gotten increasingly conservative and there's absolutely nothing about the platform that would appeal to a moderate.

  16. They should write in "Hillary".

  17. Sarah Palin and War hero John McCain

    I love the joke: Hockey mom's say Puck obama

  18. Obama. He'll defend Roe V Wade and a woman's right to choose. McCain says he'll appoint far-right Supreme Court Justices who will overturn it.

    I'm pretty much voting based on that. My reproductive rights are extremely important to me.

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