
Who should make your medical decisions?

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With universal health insurance as proposed by the Democrats, you would maintain the doctor(s) you have now but the payment system would be better and would save billions of dollars. You and your doctor(s) would be solely responsible for your medical decisions.

With the system we have now, accountants at the insurance companies are making your medical decisions.

Which do you prefer?




  1. The doctors. 45 million of 305 million have no insurance. They need access to the doctors.

  2. YOu are not the only one,I have ever met the similiar problem before.I have good experience here though.

  3. Call me crazy, but I think a doctor should make medical decisions, and the government and corporate medicine should not be able to put a price on human life.

  4. You sure have sugar-coated the universal healthcare plan. It sounds nice and peachy the way you phrase it; unfortunately, you have stated it in a way that makes it sound best.

    What about the tax dollars that will have to pay for all the people who don't opt for the insurance? Bad.

    How about having substandard care? Bad. And that happens in a lot of places where the government is in charge of healthcare.

    And accountants don't make all the decisions. If you are responsible and have the necessary insurance, you are covered for the things that you need. You make it sound like a crapshoot, where no matter your policy the accountants arbitrarily deny claims. That's misstating things quite a bit.

  5. I would much rather have a doctor give me the treatments I need without me having to worry about financial calamity. We need universal healthcare because it is a fundamental human right.

  6. I prefer the current system, but I'm a Libertarian, not a Socialist.  It's voters like you that will ruin this country.

  7. "but the payment system would be better and would save billions of dollars"

    Please show just one example of ANYTHING the government has done cheaper than the private sector. Save your time, the answer is NEVER. The government is ALWAYS much more expensive than the private sector on everything it touches.

    Look at government run public schools. In my county, the government spends $21,000.00 per kid per school year to "educate" them in the government run schools. The average private school tuition costs in the neighborhood of $8,000.00 per year here and the quality of the education runs absolute circles around that of public schools.

    So why are we supposed to believe that government run health insurance would do any better than government run schools?

  8. your doctor or your mom

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