
Who should pay? If you got a ticket driving someone elses car, but not for negligence, speeding, etc.

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I have a friend who's boyfriend uses his brother's car b/c they don't have one of ther own yet. They usually take and pick him up from work and in the mean time use the car for their needs. They put gas, maintence, ect b/c they use the car too. while they were driving they got pulled over and got a ticket b/c there wasn't a plate in front of car..(in Ohio it's supposedly illegal) and they feel like they shouldn't pay, that the car's owner should pay ticket. Mind you they drive it everyday but the owner was aware there was no plate in front of car. the owner offered some money on ticket, but she still was unhappy. I asked some people and they feel like the owner shouldn't pay, who's right?




  1. What really needs to happen is the registered owner of the vehicle needs to step up and take responsbility.  They need to go to court and explain the prosecutor the situation.  More often than not, the ticket for the driver will be dismissed and the registered owner can be given the citation.  

    However, that being said, the first responder is indeed correct inasmuch as the driver is responsible for the condition of the car and making sure everything is legal before driving. By getting behind the wheel he is taking responsibility for any issues.  

  2. The driver of a vehicle is responsible for its condition.

    The owner isn't responsible here; if the driver doesn't like the condition in which the car is kept, he is free to not drive it.

  3. I think for a driving violation the driver should pay but for a vehicle violation the owner should pay. It's only fair.

  4. The driver of the vehicle should be responsible because they got in the car to drive it and should be responsible for its requirements.  

  5. I have to agree with citicop because it's the person who drives the vehicle is responsible.  If they feel like they are not responsible then don't borrow the car anymore.

  6. If you "borrow" a car, you should make sure that it is legal to operate (all lights work, horn works, license plates on it, etc.).

    If you drive a car and are stopped for Improper Display of Registration-No Front Plate, then you receive the ticket, and it's YOUR responsibility to pay it.

    Talk with the car owner, explain the situation, and try to work out between you who will pay.  Then don't drive the car again until it is street legal.

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