
Who should really flip the bill?

by Guest11024  |  earlier

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Or what about both?





  1. the one that first made the suggestion and the invite for everyone else should pay the bill or it should be arranged while the plan going out to eat is made....sometimes everyone just pays for what she or he orderd and pitches in for the tip....I think that's the most fair way to do the's different if a couple is out on a dinner is out on a date......if that's the case..the guy should definetly pick up the bill

  2. I agree that it should be whoever invited the other, as long as it doesn't turn into one person always doing the inviting. When someone asks you to dinner, especially in the early going, they've identified themselves as the host. And as the host, they take care of things like picking up the tab. To offer is a lovely gesture, but you're the guest, so be the guest.

    As a guy, I've been raised to be the one to foot the bill on the first date/meeting, no questions asked. After that, it's open for discussion. However, if the woman seems even slightly offended at a free meal and insists, then, to keep things agreeable, I let her chip in or pay.

    After a number of dates/meetings (you never really made it clear if this was between friends or a date), no matter who invited who, it should start to balance out. Both should be paying equally.

  3. the guy should offer but the girl should put in 50% if she can.

    The girl should NEVER pick up the whole check

  4. If one person invite the other out, they should be prepared to foot the bill.  If one (or both )are financially handicapped, it should be mutually agreed upon before hand. Awkwardness should not rear it's ugly head .

  5. i say whoever asked out the other, like if the guy asked the girl the guy should pay and visa versa, i think it should usually be the guy, with the girl taking the bill every now and then just so he doesnt always have to pay for you, i always follow the rule of three too, for example if you asked the guy and he insists on paying by saying "let me pay" and you say "oh no no no" and he says please really let me pay" and you say no let me" and then he insists a third time, let him pay, then you can do the same to him later on

  6. I think you mean foot the bill.  The one that invites the other should pay the bill.  Or,  how to split the bill should be part of the invitation.

  7. If it's a date than it is up to the gentleman to pay for everything. Any thing less I would recommend very seriously to the woman not to go out with him again.

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