
Who should walk the dog? The wife or the husband?

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I say husband since they are both males....Its not like I can teach the dog to pee with one leg in the air?




  1. If you care about your dog it wouldnt really matter who walks it. (in a non offensive way ofcourse)

  2. Let the dog choose! Who ever the dog favors.

  3. Go together, then you can spend time with each other walkin and talkin.

  4. Whoever wanted a dog the most. Or if it was equally wanted, then take turns or go on walks together...

  5. Are you serious? It doesn't matter who walks the dogs, they know how to pee already.

    I would say it depends on two things. 1) whose are the dogs? and 2) who has the time to walk them?  

  6. Seems like your making it seem more like a chore then enjoying it. My boyfriend and I do it both together and if one cant then the other does it w/out hesitation.  

  7. You should go together

  8. i dont think men actually pee with one leg in the air either.  But who ever the dog belongs to should walk it, if its shared then both should...

    Is this a serious question?

  9. Both .

  10. it shouldnt matter who walks the dog personal i think it should be done together so you can spend quality time together

    (guys dont pee with there leg up)

  11. Do it together!

  12. Why should it matter? Poor dog is thinking can somebody anybody please walk me!!!!!

  13. They should share that responsibility..

  14. If there is snow on the ground--the husband.


  15. Both sexes are capable of walking a dog.

  16. yes husband. the chick should stay in the kitchen and cook.

  17. You two decide.

  18. The child, that's what the are used for anyway...

  19. I don't like dogs so he would have to walk it.

  20. 50 / 50

    good exercise..

  21. whomever wanted the dog should take responsibility for the pet

  22. Who is the dog more attached to?

    And don't say both, because dogs don't work like that.

    Which ever one the dog percieves as the pack leader should walk the dog.

  23. Both the man and woman can walk the dog together. When there is a male dog the dog does not have to be taught how to raise their leg. It's something that they learn on there own. I have two male dogs.  

  24. i think it b a gd idea for both of you to, he can wlk the dog and you can jus go for a wlk together...take a lil time out to spend with each other..

    i think dogs kno how they need to pee dont they?


  25. I was always to one to walk our dog, I play ball during that time too, she's alot of fun. You don't know what your missing. You don't need to teach a dog to pee and they usually let you know they have to go out. Just pay attention, take toys out to play with him, he'll really enjoy the fun. Now my soon to be ex is out of the house so, I'm still the one. Doesn't know what he's missing!!!!    

  26. That is ridiculous.  Does your husband lift his leg to pee?  No.  The dog is quite capable of learning to pee on its own.  The one who has the most time should walk the dog.  Or perhaps the person who likes the dog should walk the dog.

  27. here are your options:

    1. if you have kids get them to walk the dog

    2. you both can walk the dog together

    or 3. probably best option pay a dog walker or anyone you know to walk the dog.

  28. i dont think that any one of you need to teach the dog how to pee. how about both of you walk the dog together, its great quality time.

  29. i say if it's a mutually loved family pet then it's both your responsibilities to walk the dog.  Why don't you just do it together?  If that's not possible then suck it up and both of you do it, it's not like if you have kids only one of you is responsible for changing diapers.....

  30. Is you guy going to be out there with his leg up on the tree???

    I say you two do it together and enjoy the the time you get to spend outdoors together.

  31. Lmao that has nothing to do with it. It depends on who's more of an animal-person.

    I walked our old dog. When I could. My man's military and left early in the morning. So it was easier for me to do so. Don't let men take the dogs always. Dogs can be a GREAT asset to women. Especially if they're protective like Skip here.

    -Later Gator-

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