
Who should we get to do our wedding?

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Our preacher is Korean and he's only been at our church maybe a year. My husband-to-be is actually learning Korean to be a linguist in the Air Force. Everyone enjoys our preacher and his family but we all have trouble understanding him much. You know, I want to understand what I'm agreeing to before I say I do :) And then there's the fact that when he says "you may sit now" it sounds like "you may **** now". My sister is getting married in a couple of weeks and they are having him marry them. But we're not sure that's the route we want to go but don't really know of anyone else appropriate for the job. Would it be totally rude if we did ask someone else?




  1. NOOOO WAYY WOULD IT BE WRONG... i mean this is your special day, and you need to be happy and be able to understand what the man is saying... have somone else marry you guys... and who wants to have a weding just like you sister anways.... i would never want to be married by somone who i couldunt understand

  2. its understandable you want to know what is said.

    If you plan on marrying at that church it would be hard asking anyone else though

    See how your sisters wedding goes before you descide.

  3. No, you should be married by who you want.

  4. If you have a religous bond with your new preacher... you would feel much more comfortable with your own preacher on your big day than sharing your wonderful day with a complete stranger. :  )

  5. try the preacher before him.

  6. My opinion is, yes it would be rude.  You have to live with these people after the wedding and it will look funny if your sister uses his services and you don't.

    Most people with a brain will understand that for your preacher English is a second language and should have enough compassion to understand a few tongue slips.

  7. i dont think its rude expecially if you havent gotten really close to this preacher could always have a close family memeber or friend marry you thats what we did at our wedding it made it that much more personal and special comming from someone we know and love i belive all they had to do was go to the courthouse and fill out paperwork this will allow them to marry you legally on such and such a date although the fact that you attend a church an have a preacher might mean your to into religion to go this route but i thought i would let you know that its an option anyway...good luck and congratulations

  8. No I think you might go with Jerry Springer. Just a thought  = P

  9. no you can get married by whoever is legally able to, BUT if you want to get married in that church i dont believe you can have someone else come in and do it( thats like a slap in the face and most churches dont allow that) so i would check into wheather the church will allow you to do that( although i wouldnt recomend you asking the precher to move over and let someone else do it)

    but good luck, and congrats!!

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