
Who solves homicide crimes?

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I dont know who are the people who solve the crimes involving murder?Im thinking about working there one day.




  1. Murders are solved by a division of the police department, called Homicide.

    Hope this helps

  2. People who work in the police department are usually the ones who solve homicides. There is a department called 'Homicide' and they investigate just that: murders. Also, there usually is a Crime Scene Unit for every police station that I know of (which, in some cases, is also Homicide) and those are the people that go to the crime scene, take pictures, collect evidence, etc. If you really want some deeper information, I suggest heading to a police station near your house and asking if they have a Homicide department. Usually they're nice enough to help you out. And if they're not at that time, try and try again. :]] Hope that helped, even if just a bit!

  3. That would be a homicide detective, but you don't just get a job there.  You have to get hired at a police or sheriff's department and work you way up to detective.

  4. They are called Homicide detectives. Check out that show 48 hours on A&E or you can youtube it.

  5. Sorry to all those that say he homicide division does.

    Its a team effort, the responding officer secures the scene, dics (yep we call them that) come in and interview everyone, Crime Scene (called various names) processes the scene, Dics ask the beat cops to listen on the streets for info.... its everyone who puts a little bit to make a whole case.

  6. Detectives.

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