
Who started the Bermuda Triangel?

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Who started the Bermuda Triangle? Why is it here and that people never get through? Is it because of a curse? What happens to the people who get in it? Do they die or are they sent in a whole new world?




  1. The Bermuda Triangle is merely the name of a triangular shaped area in the Atlantic ocean a little south-southeast of Miami Florida That has an unusually large amounts of ships that disappear, planes that disappear with out any known causes such as storms or hurricanes to account for the disappearances- strange events have been reported in the area such as compasses going haywire and electrical systems malfunctioning. But the vast majority of ships and planes make it through without a problem. We do not know what causes the disappearances or if it is explainable by natural occurrences or something unexplainable. Who knows?

  2. many people die

  3. It's a myth.  A number of planes and ships have gone down in that area so someone decided that there was a supernatural cuase.  Wikipedia says that Christopher Colombus was the first to document "something strange" in the area.

  4. One theory that I saw on TV suggested that under the mud at the bottom of the sea in that area, was frozen methane gas. Occaisionally, it would get warm enough to turn into it's gasious state and bubble to the surface. If your ship or boat was over that spot at that moment, the gassy, bubbly surface would not support the vessel and it would sink. An airplane flying over that spot would have it's engines sputter and stop, because the engine are designed to run on fuel and oxygen, not fuel and methane. And humans cannot run on methane either.

    This is one theory.

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